I had an u/s done at 14w1d (baby measured 13w5d) and the tech was very confident & smug. Within two minutes of my u/s she just KNEW the sex of my baby. I was very confused because with my son, I saw the wiener at 14w4d, but that was not the case. I was wondering if this most definitely looks like a boy nub. I have been confident that baby is a boy & ready to "paint the walls blue", but I am just a little confused because I haven't seen the wiener like I saw with my first. The potty shot has three (uneven) lines, but it's pretty ambiguous.
So, any opinions?? Definite boy nub?? The umbilical cord is throwing me off.
So, any opinions?? Definite boy nub?? The umbilical cord is throwing me off.