Depression and Trying to Conceive


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2017
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While TTC is a stressful, frustrating process... especially when TTC becomes LTTTC... my depression isn't a result of the frustrations with trying to conceive. I am sure it doesn't help, but I guess what I am trying to say is that I have suffered with depression for far longer than I have been trying to conceive. One factor that probably is contributing to the depression is that I have reduced my medication regimen greatly due to TTC. I am still on a low dose of an antidepressant, but I was previously on a high dose of the same medication, plus a couple others. My depression seems to be getting a lot worse the last couple of weeks. I really need some support, and I found this forum helpful for support with TTC, so I am thinking of maybe looking for an online forum for people who suffer from depression. Wondering if anyone else uses one and has any recommendations? Or anyone else with similar struggles want to share?
I do. Have you talked to your doctor about your doses? We should PM, I have a lotta history with meds & TTC.
Hi Marge. Thanks for responding. I am seeing a psychiatrist who specializes in prescribing meds for women who are pregnant and TTC. My next appointment with her is on Monday, but I am not sure yet how I am going to handle it because I am very reluctant to increase my medication while TTC. :cry:
Feelings of depression and TTC at the same time is mixture for a heart break. ..some meds only make one more depressed. If you don't have to increase then don't. A few things that may help you relax is chamomile tea. Nice warm long baths, opening up the window to let fresh air in. Listening to happy music & taking intermittent naps. If you can relax ur mind a little, you will relax ur body while TTC. I too was on Clomid and Metformin having PCOS & on BC all my life bcuz of it. It took my body to adjust & became prego between the 4th & 5th month of taking the meds to become prego. I hope this motivates you a little. I'll have you in my prayer list. Xoxoxo
Hi Selinet, thanks for the feedback. I will definitely only increase the meds if I really, really need to. It would be a last resort, because truth is I don't want to be on them at all while TTC, but I have tried that route several times and it keeps ending up in disaster. I like some of your suggestions, like the tea, music, baths, and open windows. The only one I have to try to stay away from is the naps, because I can't seem to get myself out of bed on the weekends, and if I actually succeed in getting myself out, I need to stay out for as long as possible, so as not to become more depressed. Thanks for your prayers and positive thoughts <3
LAR you are so welcome. Know you are not alone. I do understand about staying out of bed it's almost like comfort sleep all day if possible. So, I would ask HB to buy your fav candles get some $5/$10 flowers from ShopRite they last pretty long. I like those &#127804;&#127800;not the roses, those don't last long enough &#128522;. In order to change a little bit the environment in the house. Anything positive will trigger your mindset to push you to get up and stay up. Have HB buy you some fresh strawberries fresh mangos, fruits that you like to eat make you a nice breakfast fruit salad to get you up and going. I am speaking by experience with friends families and myself trust me every little bit does take you one step forward. Hugs
Those are good ideas! I did recently buy a mini cactus with purple flowers on it. I think it is really cute, and I would like to buy more plants for my apartment. I also love the fruit salad idea. Fruit salad is sooo good, and it would be a nice way to wake up and get my ass outa bed on a Saturday. I agree that the little stuff can make a difference, but it's easy to forget that, so thanks for the reminder.
Lar :hugs: I too suffer from depression. I went off my meds in November. Mine served double duty for my fibromyalgia and helped with depression (though that could have been better). My depression spirals out of control in the winter especially unmedicated and then sort of evens out to more manageable levels, but it is only getting worse right now.

I am so sorry you are going through this and i hope your appointment went well today.
Thanks Nuthatch. It is good to know I am not alone, but I am sorry that you suffer too. How come you think yours is getting worse? Bc you came off the meds?

My appointment went well enough. I was honest with her about how I am struggling, but didn't adjust the meds. I keep thinking I can fight this thing with little to no medication, but I keep being proven wrong.
LAR by you saying OL (out loud) that you think you can fight this thing w/little to no medication you already are. You ladies are stronger than you know. If you wake up every day to fight, than you are that much stronger than many who don't have to. Thinking positive makes you do positive things. In doing so you are looking towards a better tomorrow. Life is going to bring all sorts of things. It's up to us how & what we do with it. At the end of the day you ladies have overcome more than you ever thought you could or would. That alone counts for alot ;)
Plants are an awesome thing to have at home. Good idea! Xoxo
Hi Lar - I am the same as you. I suffer from bipolar depression and have had many "peaks" and "valleys" throughout my life.

I would recommend what some of the other ladies have said, and fill your day with positive things you do for yourself. For example, my outlet is working out. I found that if I do not work out regularly i can sink into a depression. The same with food. If i do not maintain a healthy diet I also slip into a spiral.

It took over a year to get my "cocktail" right once I was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder (2 years ago), lots of different medications, increased dosage etc. but finally found the right "cocktail" combined with a great therapist and nutritionist that I see weekly to help me through everyday life. I also have a great support system with my family and DH.

I also am 33, and had two rounds of clomid/Ovidril shot/IUI. I was taking my medication during the entire TTC time, and had the outlook that if it was meant to be it would happen. And if it didn't happen during a cycle, that just means more time with my DH before LO comes.

I hope this helps :hugs:
Hi TTC. Congrats on your pregnancy! Thanks for sharing your story. Did you stop taking your medication when you became pregnant? I always thought I would never take psych meds while I was pregnant, but my doctor recently said it is "not possible" for me to stop taking my meds now. Of course it is possible, but I think what she meant is that it is "not possible" as in "not possible" for me to function without them them. And if you put it that way, I have to say I tend to agree. I hate admitting that, but all I have to go by are my own experiences. I agree that thinking positively and changing lifestyle habits and environment can go a very long way, but you have to be well enough to do those things to begin with and that's where the medication comes in handy. Can those things completely replace medication? I think the answer, for some people, is no. I struggle with that a lot because I wish I could control this thing on my own. But if you think about it like another illness, like HIV, you wouldn't expect someone to control it without medical treatment, and I think it can be the same with mental illness. I know it's different for everyone though. There are numerous stories of people with serious mental illness who successfully came off of meds. I am still holding out hope that maybe one day I will be one of those people.
I agree LAR, I am one of those people that cannot function without my meds and it took me a long time to come to terms with this too. I went off of them one time because I thought I could handle it and didn't want to take medication anymore. And that was just so horrible, I never want to go to back to that place again. Now I know, I can NEVER be without my medication and you know what there are a lot of people that are the same way, they need to take there meds, it is just no one seems to talk about it for some reason.

As for pregnancy, I decided that I wanted to try it without medication. So, I have been off my meds all pregnancy. My backup plan, as I have been regularly monitored, was that if I was slipping into a depression, I would go back on the meds in the 2nd tri and go off them in the 3rd tri. But so far so good. Also, my doctor told me that when you are pregnant, your body produces a natural anti-depressant that would mimic the effect of the medication. I will not say I haven't had crying episodes, but that can be attributed to hormones but I am able to come out of the episode instead of spiral down. I can't really explain it, but I do feel really "at ease" and "calm."

I will not be breastfeeding, however, and that is a conscious choice I made because as soon as that baby comes out I will be popping my pills. No point it risking my well being for something like this as I need to take care of myself too once baby comes.
TTC, that is really incredible what you have been able to do! It sounds like you have developed some great strategies and a great support system to help yourself with your wellness. I'm a little confused because you said you can't function without the meds and can't be without them, but that you aren't taking them now and doing okay. I guess what you are saying is that you are feeling the natural anti-depressant effect of pregnancy that your doctor talked about? In any case, I am glad it is working out for you; it sounds like you're in a very good place considering what you're up against.

It's so interesting to me how varied different doctors' opinions are. My doctor tells me about the potentially negative impact of taking psychiatric medication while pregnant. But she also tells me about the negative impact that depression has on the fetus, and she says that the effects of severe depression on a developing fetus can be just as bad or worse than taking certain meds, so either way there are risks. She even tells me that breastfeeding on certain psych meds is relatively safe and she recommends it.
Hi LAR - I wanted to add that Depression is linked with thyroid issues. They are inter-related. I know you posted in another thread, so just wanted to share.

Yes, you are correct. I am feeling the anti-depressant effect of pregnancy that my doctor has explained to me. My intention during pregnancy is to go off the meds and be regularly monitored and if I felt like I was slipping into a depression, I would go back on them in the 2nd trimester. I will be starting them as soon as I give birth, hence, no BF'ing for me.

I am sure every doctor is different and has different ways of doing things, this was just the recommendation for me and it seems to be working.

But I will say, I am keeping to my routine (as much as I am able) as if I wasn't pregnant. I am working out 3-4 times a week, I eat as healthy as I can (still give into cravings!) and I give myself a some slack with feeling guilty about food or not working out. So, I think that has helped tremendously.

Hope you are feeling better this week. Keep chugging along!
hi ttc. yes, i was reading about the connection between hypothyroidism and depression. My depression was diagnosed 15 years before my hashimoto's so I can't really say my thyroid caused my depression, at least not in the past. It could be a contributing factor now. I am so glad things are working out for you. I am trying to become more disciplined with diet and exercise but nervous about the change. Maybe if I make a drastic enough change I will have success conceiving, and maybe even go off my meds when I become pregnant. We'll see....
Thanks! Those cravings are rough! And I am not even pregnant yet.
My partner suffers from depression and he was on anti depressants when we started trying. We realised in February that anti depressants could be affecting our chances of conceiving so he stopped taking them around 2nd Febuary and we fell pregnant 2 cycles later after trying for 5 months.

I also suffer from depression but it's undiagnosed, not being able to conceive was pushing me to the edge and i asked my doctor to prescribe me anti depressants but he said that could also affect my chances of falling pregnant.

Have you explained to your doctor that your trying to conceive? They might be able to change your medication to something that else I know SSLRs are pretty bad if your trying to get pregnant

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