I felt like giving up when my now five and a half month old went through a huge growth spurt at four months and was feeding every 1-2 hours day and night and also refusing a bottle. It's hard being the only one able to feed them, going out becomes such a schlep when you have to constantly plan your activities around being able to comfortably feed the baby, and leaving your house hardly seems worth the bother. I forced myself to just get on with it for the sake of my mental health and my bored two year old, breastfed in the car most of the time while the toddler was entertained with some form of bribe, and it wasn't that bad really.
Within the last two weeks the baby is now feeding every 3 hours and will also accept the occasional bottle, this has given me much more freedom from him than I had before. His sleep is still shit but that's another story. I always offer two boobs to try and fill him up as much as possible, especially before we go anywhere, sometimes I can persuade him to have a second go on the first boob although there's rarely anything left over.
It's easy for me to say now that I'm over it but try not to let it get you down. It's probably a phase / growth spurt / wonder week or something like that and will pass soon enough. Until then, try and roll with it, and if it gets too much then ask a family member to step in with a bottle so you can get some breathing space.