We've done BLW and I never spoonfed anything from the start (but we also didn't do porridge or yogurt). Now that my daughter started nursery, they do spoonfeed her yogurt if that's what they're having that day (otherwise she feeds herself). At home, it's about 50-50. I do offer her yogurt and porridge now that she will feed them to herself and accept eating them off a spoon, when she was smaller, she'd do neither. Really it mostly depends on how much of a hurry I'm in! If we need to get out of the door to get her to nursery on time, it can be faster to feed her and sometimes she gets grumpy if I don't, points at the spoon and refuses to feed herself, but is happy again if I feed her. This is especially when she's sick or teething. Otherwise, I do try to let her feed herself with her hands or with spoonloading (doesn't actually use the spoon on her own well yet). As I have a good sense of when she wants food and when she doesn't and she will put her hand up and stop the spoon when she's done, it still feels like we're being very baby-led and respecting her wishes. I don't feed her anything else with a spoon and never had, but sometimes it just works out easier. My impression from all my friends who have also done BLW is that this is what most people do and it eventually moves into them self-feeding, especially if you encourage it with spoonloading.