Doctor Sent us Home on Formula :'(


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2012
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I'm super bummed. After exclusively breastfeeding for just over 2 months, the doctor sent us home on formula because in the last 30 days, LO hasn't even gained an ounce. :( He's 7 months old, but 4 months old (adjusted) and only weighs 11 lbs 9 ozs. He was a preemie but always did fine in the weight category (example: when he came home around his due date, he was 8 lbs 6 ozs). If I pump after he eats, there is not a ton of milk left so I think he is draining me just fine, but it seems after 7 months I am just not producing enough anymore. :cry:

The doctor was nice about it though and told me to keep nursing him, but to offer him formula afterwards and let him take whatever he wants, whether it's 1oz or 4ozs.
Is he fussy after feeds? If not then you are making plenty. Could you offer more often instead of giving formula? Im not at all against formula but I do feel that it is given too readily as a solution to many issues. Also I was always told that as long as they are not loosing weight, the amount they gain isnt a huge deal although with your lo being a preemie. I would offer more often and maybe top up with expressed milk. If he has gained any this time next week and then use the formula if that hasnt worked?
The last week or two, he has been fussy after he feeds and over the last 2 months he's sporadically been fussy after a feed. His pooping has changed too in the last week or two, where he used to always poop 3-4 times a day, now he only poops once or twice every two days. He offer the breast probably every 1.5 to 2 hours.
Aw hun that is rough. At 11lbs at 4 months though, that is pretty good! Especially for a preemie. My LO was not as early a preemie, but he is only 15lbs at 8 months adj. I think he was around 13 at 5 months adj, but he didn't start off so early either.

With BF, that is still a totally normal amount of times to poop.

Also, 4 months is a big growth spurt, it usually causes increased feeding and/or fussiness, and sleep issues. I know it is rough and I'd hate for you to end up losing supply due to supplementation. But on the other hand, it may be the boost your LO needs.
Thanks, ladies. Yeah I don't think his actual weight is a big deal. It's just the fact that over the course of ONE MONTH he hasn't gained anything. I'm not going to stop nursing, or even nurse less though. I'll be nursing just as often but I'll feed him formula afterwards if he's still hungry. I do hope it helps him to catch up!!!
I appreciate it may be different for a preemie but my second youngest gained barely anything between 4 and 7 months and nothing at all between 6 and 7 months, it is extremely common when starting solids etc also at this age they tend to get more mobile too. I personally wouldn't give formula in this situation xx
Maybe you can pump after you top him up with formula? He will naturally eat less frequently if he gets formula, so your supply might decrease? Just a thought, but good for you for getting this far!
If you think you're not making enough milk you can try mothers milk tea or fenugreek and blessed thistle supplements. They help you produce more breast milk. I take the fenugreek and blessed thistle to get extra milk between feedings for my stash
What about bulking up your diet with more fats? My daughter was a 31 weeker and, though she never had issues with weight gain, doctors tried to get us to give her Neosure but it made her very sick/unhappy so we said no thanks.

I was going to suggest pumping 2 extra bottles a day and giving them to her in addition to/instead of breast feedings so she doesn't have to work quite as hard to get the milk? Also, have you had the calorie concentration of your milk measured? It might be good to know that--they did this for us in the NICU, said I was on the low end, and recommended that I eat more ice cream. Boo hoo for me! :)
They tested my milk a couple times in NICU and it always came back high calorie. (Funny, when my LO was in NICU I had a constant craving for ice cream!) He latches on fine, and he doesn't get tired or anything when he nurses - his preemie days are long behind him by now! So, I don't know. He just doesn't seem that interested in nursing anymore - like he doesn't stay on the breast long and then whines afterwards. I've noticed this for the last week or two. But I honestly do not feel like my supply has changed at all. It's so weird!! Could he possibly be self-weaning?? I know it's SO unlikely for babies under one, but it's weird...
Highly unlikely he is self weaning! Around 4 months, babies start noticing a lot more around them and become "distractable" nursers, usually resulting in short choppy nursing sessions. Could that be the case?

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