I've already thought this one through ha. So I will probably buy my boys their first car and insurance etc but if they're still around by this time get them a black box, this keeps their insirance costs down (hopefully!!!!) and gives me comfort in knowing they will have to drive more steadily, and as I am paying I hope they will oblige. I've been with my husband since he was 17 and I remember exactly what he was like, the thought terrifies me and I myself had too many near misses as a teenager, car accidents are the biggest killer for 18-24 year olds, the decision making element of our brain isn't fully developed until 25 which is why younger people can be more impulsive so yes it is controlling and I have 12 years to change my mind haha but right now this plan gives me comfort.
Edited to add: by "if they're still around, I mean black boxes!!"