It's hard to understand why they do this but I do try somedays to get inside his head and understand him. Maybe they did not actually see a complete future with us anyway? e.g 'this is not the woman I ever want to marry but I love her and love it being just as it is between us for as long as we can last' and then when we tell them we are pregnant, we might aswell have forced them to marry us or something and it then helps them make that decision quickly to leave us. I also try and understand the reason why he does not want kids (something in his past, childhood etc? no financial stability or his life is just in a bad place right now) Whichever way you look at it, they have justified all this to themselves and left us because of their own personal reason. My FOB agonised over his decision for a few weeks saying he was torn up about ending it with me but saw no way out for both of us because we were both at deadlock on our decision. Checkmate on the relationship so to speak.
I'm like you though, I believe if you genuinely love someome, want to be with them etc, you stick by them when the poo hits the fan. When you sit outside the box you must look at it differently, my parents have a point when they say the following, and this keeps me stronger.
- Why would you even want now after this to get back with / get involved
anyway long term with someone who lets you down this badly?, he has done you a favour by leaving.
- If he wants to be an active father he will do this only of his own accord. Let him know you are unhappy about his decision, leave the door open for him to be involved. Tell him when the baby is born. Do nothing else, leave him alone to think and for you both to move on.
Hope that helps a little?