My son was lifting his head and looking around when he was only a day old. All the nurses in the hospital were amazed by his neck control but nobody ever seemed to worry.
Yesterday I took him in for his 1 month check up and when the doctor put him on his stomach he rolled over to his back. She said that at his age he should NOT be able to do that and if he has too much muscle tone it could be a bad sign. She didn't elaborate though, she just continued about her business. Of course that worried me so I asked her why and I believe she said it could be the sign of a neurological issue.
I've been trying to look it up online but with what little info she gave me I'm not sure what I should be looking for. She also told me his muscles seemed tight. He does have his hands in fists often, but he is still able to lift and straighten his arms above his head and straighten his legs out.
Anybody know anything about this?
Yesterday I took him in for his 1 month check up and when the doctor put him on his stomach he rolled over to his back. She said that at his age he should NOT be able to do that and if he has too much muscle tone it could be a bad sign. She didn't elaborate though, she just continued about her business. Of course that worried me so I asked her why and I believe she said it could be the sign of a neurological issue.
I've been trying to look it up online but with what little info she gave me I'm not sure what I should be looking for. She also told me his muscles seemed tight. He does have his hands in fists often, but he is still able to lift and straighten his arms above his head and straighten his legs out.
Anybody know anything about this?