Dublin - IRELAND


Mark & Carla's Mammy
May 20, 2009
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Just wondering if there's any girlies on here from Dublin?

I'm from Dublin myself so I just wanted to say a neighbourly hello :thumbup: And I'm curious to know if there's any members who are local to me (surely I can't be the only one!! lol) :laugh2: Could be good to know as we can exchance advice or tips the odd time, maybe?! Seems to be the done thing on this site.. :)
:hi: im from waterford hun. I know its not close but same country at least :rofl: did we talk before? Sorry since having jack my memory has totally gone :blush:
Hi Ladymilly,

Yay.. !! :):) Good to know there's someone else on here who is at least in the same country as me :rofl: I don't think we've spoken before but then it's hard to keep track as as there's so many people on here! Although I'm sure I would've remembered you since you're from Waterford.. only a couple of hours drive from me :)

Well nice to meet you!! I also have a little boy - I still think of him as my "baby" even though he's 4 now :laugh2: I'll have to snap out of that though as baby no. 2 is on the way and really will be a "baby" in comparison to my big boy :rofl:
My last post was cut short there :( Damn laptop has a mind of it's own and somehow submitted post before I was finished typing lol

Anyway, I was just gonna finish by sayin that I'd keep an eye out for ya on the forums ;) At the mo, the third trimester section is the main part of the site I visit a lot but I still browse through the others sometimes aswell. And hopefully we'll get a few more groupies from Eire posting in here too! The more the merrier!! xx
yeah its great to have someone in the same country. I joined when i was ttc. I have a daughter who will be 10 in June and a step daughter who will be 6 in july. I miss being pregnant :cry: although I did have it rough cos I had high blood pressure but it was all worth it. cant wait to do it again :happydance:
How old are you if you dont mind me asking? I will be 29 in August :cry: feeling old!!
anyway i am on here every day so i will keep an eye out for you too. the third tri is so exciting isnt it. not long to go now!! Il be watching for updates hun xx
Hi Ladymilly,

I'm 23 myself :) Will be 24 in about 2 weeks time :dohh:

I would have loved to know about this site when I was ttc as everyone is so nice and friendly and supportive on it! I only actually joined a few weeks ago and finding it a bit addictive. Again, because everyone is so nice to talk to :) And my other half works a lot of nights from about 7 or 8pm onwards so I've nothing else to do when my son hits the hay :rofl:

Yes, the third tri is very exciting!!! I went for a 3d scan about 2 weeks ago and found out I am having a girl, woo hoo!:happydance: :pink: It really hyped me up for the whole thing! Makes it all seem a bit more real :cloud9: The pregnancy hasn't been too bad - although with my son a few yr ago, the pregnancy was the best ever! I really just sailed through it not a bother (or at least until the end, he was overdue and I went into slow labour). But with this pregnancy I've been getting quite a few twinges & pains and bit of leg pain etc. But nothing too unbearable thank God! And it has all eased off in the past few weeks so I'm not complaining!! :)

Now I'm just keeping myself busy with my little check-list of things I need to buy or do in preparation for little missy on the way :) Started painting her bedroom today which I'm really happy about as was nagging the OH for ages about getting a start on it lol

Anyway, I'll stop babbling on. Great to have someone on here to talk to. Your little boy is a cutie btw!! :) He looks happy and healthy & full of life :baby:

Like yourself, I'm on this every day or every second day so I'm sure we'll cross paths in the future :rofl: And I will keep ya posted if I've any news. xx :hugs:
awww thats great news hun. a little girl. it will be nice to have one of each. have you any names yet? cant wait to hear more updates hun xx
Yeah, we have her name picked out already! We're going to call her Carla Suzanna. Suzanna was my mam's name (she passed away a few years ago & I miss her lots :cry:) so really wanted to have that in there somewhere!

You were saying you miss being pregnant - do you think you will have any more yourself hun? I always said I'd like to have a few kids, 4 or more. People would look at me as if I was MAD when I'd say that hehe!! I think it's because my little boy was such a good baby and even now, he's a real good kid - no trouble at all (most of the time anyways)! Might change my mind on that if I have a cryer this time though :rofl::rofl:
hello fellow Dubliner xxx im new here im TTC number 2 :happydance: i havnt seen many Irish on here :rofl:
Hey missy, :wave:

Great to have another Dub on the forums :happydance: I haven't noticed many Irish on B&B myself! I was hoping this thread would attract a few more locals :winkwink:

Anyways, you seem to be in the same situation I was a couple of months back.... ttc #2. Have you been trying for long? And how old is your first baba? I wasn't trying for long myself before I got my "positive" so I was really lucky! Fingers crossed for your :bfp: soon!!!!!

Anyways, hope you are well and drop us a line when you're on here again xxx :hug:
hey hun
my little fella is 5 and ive been ttc for 20 months now,1st pregnancy happened real fast so im shocked it hasnt happened yet we been tested are we are ok ill just have to try relax and wait but its so hard :hissy: what part of the liffey are you on?:rofl: congrats on becoming a mammy again :cloud9:
Thanks for the congrats!! xx :hugs:

Ah, you have a 5 year old boy.. I also have a little boy - he's 4. Time flies doesn't it?
It's a nice time for you to be trying for a brother or sister for him :winkwink: Although, I can totally understand why you'd be feeling anxious - 20 months would feel like forever when you're "trying"! :( Really hope it happens for you soon hun! :thumbup: Guess it's just a matter of time, hang in there! And no doubt you will be over the moon when it happens (even moreso now after your long wait!!!).:cloud9: I look forward to hearing some good news from you in the near future (fingers crosssed).:dust:

I'm from the southside myself (Dublin 24). What about yourself?

hey ! ,I'm from kildare , nice to see other Irish ppl :thumbup:
Hi Bitepeach :wave:

Welcome to Baby and Bump! Great to have you on board :hugs2:. I'm not on this site very long myself but I've found most of the people really nice and friendly on it :winkwink: And it can be a bit addictive, ya end up coming on every day for updates and chit chat :laugh2:

It's great to have a few Irish people on here :thumbup:

Congratulations on your pregnancy by the way :happydance: You'll find this site great, sharing your experiences with other expectant mammy's!!! I'm very happy for you and wish you a lovely 9 months to come.. :hugs::flower:


Hi xxCarolinexx:hugs::hugs:, yea ive already noticed how addictive it can be:blush::blush:,but its great to be able to tell someone my news as i feel its too early to tell my news to my friends , its also wonderful to be able to talk to other people experiencing the same things
Ah that's great!:thumbup: I would have loved to know about this site when I was ttc and when I found out I was expecting etc.. It's great sharing experiences and showing off your scan pics and stuff to other women who are equally as excited!! :happydance:

Is this your first baby? You should start up a pregnancy journal as it's nice to look back on and see how you have progressed! (Well, that's if you'd have the time or interest in doing one :shrug:)

Anyways, keep in touch won't ya? Let us know how you get on in the coming months xx
Oh actually I think thats a great idea thank you!! yup it is my first , im soo excited :)

Hi Short&Sweet! :flower: It's great to see another Dub on BabyandBump! Congratulations on your pregnancy :happydance::cloud9: Are ya far gone?? :baby: I haven't long to go now myself.. under 3 weeks :yipee: (unless I go overdue?! :shrug:)

Bitepeach - Aww congrats! It's your first so everything must seem so new and exciting to you. Let me know if you start up a journal so I can pop in the odd time and see how you're getting on.. :hugs:


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