Kellymom has a useful page on Dummies and Breastfeeding. Hope it helps:
I think it depends a lot on the baby. If there are weight gain concerns or other issues, dummies aren't a good idea. But they can be a great tool if used correctly. It depends on the baby.
Same here...I didn't plan to but he was making himself ill trying to feed to get rid of his stomach ache from his wind (sucking action helps to relax wind pipe etc) he was throwing up everywhere and making his guts ache worse,
he sometimes latched wrong at the start and i had to keep reminding him. but now(5 weeks) he soon lets you know if he doesn't want it. If you can its good to leave it as long as poss because if you haven't breastfed before (I had'nt) its hard to tell when they want food. (not just baby thats learning)
we had to give Riley a dummy at 2 weeks bcause he was using me like a dummy and my nipples were gonna fall of if we didnt he has been fine, i have given him bottles as well, still latches on fine..
Lucy likes her dummy and she's had it from being a couple of days old, now she's 3 months and we're still BFing. Try Mam "Feels like Mum" ones from Mothercare. I've found that she likes the ones with flat teats but not round ones.
Whereas my bottle fed children preferred the round ones. Must be different sucking techniques.
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