I've just seen this thread, hope it's not too late to respond! We lost our baby girl at 30 weeks last year and I'm now 38 weeks pregnant with this baby. Pregnancy has been hard, but actually when I got past the initial anxiety it has been easier than I probably imagined it would be. I though I'd be terrified every day, and there have been days when I have been - but actually I've just been taking it one day at a time and I can't believe that I'm almost at my due date.
My advice would be just take things one day at a time, let each milestone pass scans, dates etc. and then look to the next one. For me the 20 week anomaly scan was a massive deal and I couldn't see past that.. but once we got there, we made more of a plan with our consultant and there have been little milestones or appointments every couple of weeks to look to and then tick off the list. Make sure that you discuss any worries or concerns with the team who are looking after you and have care in place that will help you to try to remain as peaceful as possible. Be kind to yourself and allow yourself to feel however you are feeling, and make sure that you have at least one person that you can be really honest with about how you're feeling. You will have good days and you will have bad days, allow yourself that and don't beat yourself up if you're having a bad day. Also, this may sound very reasoned now but I completely know how you're feeling.. I had some spotting at about 7 weeks this time and absolutely freaked out, almost collapsed and was a big mess! I think it's totally understandable that people who have experienced what we have are at a different level of anxiety - the innocence of pregnancy has been taken away.
I read something last year when I was early in this pregnancy which helped me, I hope it helps you too. I think it was something that someone's bereavement counsellor said to them about bonding emotionally with a new pregnancy. They said that basically even worst case scenario if the worst were to happen again in a subsequent pregnancy, the fact that you didn't bond or emotionally connect with this pregnancy wouldn't lessen any of the emotions you had to deal with or the loss you would feel, and actually you would just have missed out on the positive side of connecting with your baby and pregnancy and the 'good' parts. That helped me to see that this pregnancy is different, it's not the same as last time and actually my opportunity to bond with this baby began as soon as I knew that she was there. It's hard, please don't think I'm saying that it's not, but if you can try to allow yourself to have some peace about it. Don't rush with your emotions, take your time and be kind to yourself. I think as other people have said on this thread, I don't think any of us will believe it until our baby is here in our arms... and even then all my friends tell me that then you worry just as much about them!
oh the joys...!