early miscarriage, now CD 2. need some buddies


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2013
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Hi ladies,
my husband and I have been TTC #2 for 5 months now. On Monday (Dec 16th), I finally got my BFP, and was ecstatic. Then yesterday (19th) I woke up to cramping and heavy bleeding. My doc said as soon as the bleeding stops and I get a negative HPT, we are good to try again. I'm so sad over the loss, but I feel like the best way to move forward is to start TTC as soon as we can. I was only about 4.5 weeks, so my doc thinks this will last like a normal period, and my next cycle would be regular. Anyone else have a similar experience? Or anyone just looking
for a buddy starting at square 1?? I'd love the company!!!!!
Hello, I had a m/c at what should have been around 7 weeks. We went in for our first u/s and baby stopped growing at 5 weeks and I m/c the next day. I have since had a possible ectopic and a chemical. I know it is devastating, but remember it happens for a reason. We are now on our first no medicated cycle after 6 months on clomid.
Hello, I had a m/c at what should have been around 7 weeks. We went in for our first u/s and baby stopped growing at 5 weeks and I m/c the next day. I have since had a possible ectopic and a chemical. I know it is devastating, but remember it happens for a reason. We are now on our first no medicated cycle after 6 months on clomid.

I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine finding out that way, and then to suffer the second loss is awful. I hope you have success TTC soon...one of my friends is in a similar situation with the clomid. They have been trying for #2 for nearly 3 years. Are you going off the meds to meet with a doctor, or are you going to TTC with no meds this cycle? Either way, I hope it happens soon for you!

My TTC Journal:
Thanks. We aren't going to go to a fertility doc- I have had every test done and I'm fine, dh has had every test done and he is fine. I was ovulating on own but used the clomid and hcg to be able to time bding but still didn't stick- did have a chemical though. I just don't see what iui or ivf is going to do if the problem is either chromosomal or implantation- treatments can't fix those. We have one so were just going to see what happens.

have you done any medicated cycles?
Gotcha. I'm sorry you have had to go through all that. Its good that at least you know you are both healthy though. You hear a lot of stories about people going off of meds and getting pregnant when things get more relaxed--I hope that happens for you!!!

We haven't done anything medicated. All we have been doing is charting symptoms and trying to time BDing around ovulation. The positive and the miscarriage happened on our 5th cycle of trying, so hopefully it will happen again soon naturally. Its just frustrating to feel like we were so close, and now we are back at square one.
I know it is so frustrating. Especially when you get the positive you assume that everything is good.
Right. My first pregnancy was so normal--I expected the same experience. And now, if I do get pregnant again, I know I will be terrified instead of assuming everything is fine. Its just a tough situation. It should be the happiest time, and then to turn into something so sad is heartbreaking. I guess you just have to trust that God has a plan and things will happen in His timing. Lol of course that is so much easier to say than do.
Yes easier said than done. I agree though I find strength in God and I know everything is for the best. My first was super simple too- no problems (except the c at the end) and we had just gotten off BC when we conceived him. Now it has been almost 2 years. My son was born in 2010 too- what month was yours born in?
So sorry for your loss

I also had an early miscarriage, I was 7 weeks when it was confirmed on the 2nd December, but it has taken 3 weeks so far for my hcg to fall so I am still not fully into a proper cycle yet. We are however hoping to catch the first little egg if it comes this cycle.

I pray you get yours bfp very soon.

Here's my journal if you want to read about my experience since my loss:
Yes easier said than done. I agree though I find strength in God and I know everything is for the best. My first was super simple too- no problems (except the c at the end) and we had just gotten off BC when we conceived him. Now it has been almost 2 years. My son was born in 2010 too- what month was yours born in?

I ended up having a c-section with my son, too. He will be 4 on February 1st. : ) when is your little one's bday?
So sorry for your loss

I also had an early miscarriage, I was 7 weeks when it was confirmed on the 2nd December, but it has taken 3 weeks so far for my hcg to fall so I am still not fully into a proper cycle yet. We are however hoping to catch the first little egg if it comes this cycle.

I pray you get yours bfp very soon.

Here's my journal if you want to read about my experience since my loss:

I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope this is your lucky month! I really hope there is something to it when people say you are more fertile right after a miscarriage ...maybe this will be the month for all of us! It would make me very nervous about something happening again, but I feel like a BFP this cycle would make it easier to move forward. Plus, something great to be excited about would be such a blessing after the last few days!
Hi again sailorsgirl--I just stalked your journal a little bit hehe. First of all, happy birthday! : ) and secondly, I am so sorry for what a rough few weeks you have had! I can definitely identify with a lot of what you said --so many different emotions, and you have had a lot to deal with on top of your loss. I hope you are able to have peace and move forward soon! Did you decide whether to move forward TTC yet or not?
Ah thanks huni. Yeah we have decided to ttc. We feel like we need to move on. We will all have good and bad days. Yesterday was an especially bad day for me but its Christmas now!! Hehe. I am sending lots of sticky baby dust to you ladies. Hope we all get our bfps soon.

So blessed- he will be four April 20th.

sailors- so are your numbers at zero? I'm sorry for your loss
I too have heard you are more fertile directly after a mc. I got pregnant right after I hit zero with mine, but something was wrong and had to terminate the pregnancy.

hopefully some Christmas baby dust will be magic for us all. Merry Christmas ladies
I hope you ladies have a wonderful Christmas with your families! Hopefully we all get our little Christmas miracles!!!

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