Bit of a back story.
Enzo is now 20 months he has failed massively on all his reviews and my HV decided the best thing for Enzo was to get him assessed for autism, which we agreed.
Signs we noticed from 1 year - present
Lack of eye contact
Rigid play
Obsessed with spinning wheels
OCD in how his toys are lined up
Doesn’t like certain textures
Likes other textures
Tip toe standing (still doesn’t walk at all)
Plays in his own world
Refuses to feed himself
Won’t touch certain foods due to how they feel, wet, sticky etc
And amongst other things. We’ve recently received our letter back from ISCAN that has agreed Enzo will be seen by the correct teams as discussed at ISCAN.
I know, we all know that he is on the spectrum, and I’m super great full to a very pushy HV that has been there for us from day one.
I’m just wondering has anyone else had a very early diagnosis with their babies? What was the help that was offered to you, and most importantly how did you feel when you got the news
Enzo is now 20 months he has failed massively on all his reviews and my HV decided the best thing for Enzo was to get him assessed for autism, which we agreed.
Signs we noticed from 1 year - present
Lack of eye contact
Rigid play
Obsessed with spinning wheels
OCD in how his toys are lined up
Doesn’t like certain textures
Likes other textures
Tip toe standing (still doesn’t walk at all)
Plays in his own world
Refuses to feed himself
Won’t touch certain foods due to how they feel, wet, sticky etc
And amongst other things. We’ve recently received our letter back from ISCAN that has agreed Enzo will be seen by the correct teams as discussed at ISCAN.
I know, we all know that he is on the spectrum, and I’m super great full to a very pushy HV that has been there for us from day one.
I’m just wondering has anyone else had a very early diagnosis with their babies? What was the help that was offered to you, and most importantly how did you feel when you got the news