Early weaning and obesity?


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2008
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First of all, please don't shout at me, I really don't want to start any arguments, I'm just genuingly (sp?) curious?

The other day someone told me that early weaning can cause obesity. I really don't understand how. I always thought that unhealthy diets/ too much fast food/ not enough exercise was to blame.

Please would someone mind explaining it to me, and any links anyone has would be good too :)

Thanks x
I cant answer the question on obesity but I genuinely believe that early weaning has caused my OH significant health problems. He was weaned at 8 weeks and he had loads of intolerances to food and always has an upset tummy. He has had to cut out meat because of this. He should also cut out gluten but he will never do that.
Dunno about obesity tbh. Don't really see how it can make a person obese because they got fed solids a bit earlier?

I can totally see why it could lead to other health problems related to eating though like Sparks said.
My family were all weaned at about 4 months I think. I am overweight but I wasn't a big kid my weight went on teenage years due to a family issue. My brother is as skinny as they come. I dont think 4 months was classed as early weaning back then.
I dont believe early weaning has anything to do with obesity or health problems. People are people and each of us has our own issues.

Lots of people werent breastfed or were weaned early and have no health problems or are obese.

People cant lump everyone together based on silly things like that. I see more health problems with children nowadays because of all the "new" research etc... god how did people survive 20 years ago? They were weaned as early at 2 weeks?!?!?!
I dont believe early weaning has anything to do with obesity or health problems. People are people and each of us has our own issues.

Lots of people werent breastfed or were weaned early and have no health problems or are obese.

People cant lump everyone together based on silly things like that. I see more health problems with children nowadays because of all the "new" research etc... god how did people survive 20 years ago? They were weaned as early at 2 weeks?!?!?!

Of course a baby is going to have health problems if they are weaned at 2 weeks rather than the 'new' 6 months, its just ludicrous to suggest otherwise. The reason its new is because science and research progress as people learn more and technology progresses.

People used to give babies alcohol back in the day but thats obviously proven to be detrimental!

Why would a child have health problems if they were breastfed until 6 months and then weaned after? That is the recommendation after all.

It is scientific fact that health problems can occur with early weaning. It may not happen to all babies but it is more likely to happen than if they were weaned at 5/6 months. This research is based on credible evidence its not something they just made up.
The OP asked a reasonable question can we please not start the bickering already ladies

Why would a child have health problems if they were breastfed until 6 months and then weaned after? That is the recommendation after all.

It is scientific fact that health problems can occur with early weaning. It may not happen to all babies but it is more likely to happen than if they were weaned at 5/6 months. This research is based on credible evidence its not something they just made up.

I'm also not wanting an arguement, but that sentance just kind of jumped out at me
Not so very long ago it was the recomendation to wean at 4 months.

A lot of things can cause health problme not just early weaning, some children are just born sickly and some are more robust.

I would just like to say though and some mums of older children can probably back me up here
Guidelines have changed backwards and forwards so much since I have had Emily, it is amazing that mums are not sat in a corner rocking with all the conflicting advice.

I think the obesity thing will only come about if babies are weaned on rubbish, they will just carry on eating rubbish, if they have a good diet then it should follow that they will probably be an healthy adult, not always the case but ya know what I mean.

Just as an aside though I was a fat baby I mean really, my diet was good and i was breastfed, by the time I was at school I was slim and still am ( well except when I have a choccie binge ;)
I dont believe early weaning has anything to do with obesity or health problems. People are people and each of us has our own issues.

Lots of people werent breastfed or were weaned early and have no health problems or are obese.

People cant lump everyone together based on silly things like that. I see more health problems with children nowadays because of all the "new" research etc... god how did people survive 20 years ago? They were weaned as early at 2 weeks?!?!?!

Of course a baby is going to have health problems if they are weaned at 2 weeks rather than the 'new' 6 months, its just ludicrous to suggest otherwise. The reason its new is because science and research progress as people learn more and technology progresses.

People used to give babies alcohol back in the day but thats obviously proven to be detrimental!

Why would a child have health problems if they were breastfed until 6 months and then weaned after? That is the recommendation after all.

It is scientific fact that health problems can occur with early weaning. It may not happen to all babies but it is more likely to happen than if they were weaned at 5/6 months. This research is based on credible evidence its not something they just made up.

Dont think you got my post... I said the opposite... I see way more health issues with the NEW recommendations.... or 6 months.

Way back when "early" weaning was popular we didnt have the severity of reflux and the need to perform esophogal operations on young children.

Yet, many people in their late 20's and 30's have no health issues at all?

People base their opinions on lack of reasoning and information. Allergies, obesity and sickness are all things that have many factors to them... Not just whether the baby was bf for 6 months.
The OP asked a reasonable question can we please not start the bickering already ladies

Why would a child have health problems if they were breastfed until 6 months and then weaned after? That is the recommendation after all.

It is scientific fact that health problems can occur with early weaning. It may not happen to all babies but it is more likely to happen than if they were weaned at 5/6 months. This research is based on credible evidence its not something they just made up.

I'm also not wanting an arguement, but that sentance just kind of jumped out at me
Not so very long ago it was the recomendation to wean at 4 months.

A lot of things can cause health problme not just early weaning, some children are just born sickly and some are more robust.

I would just like to say though and some mums of older children can probably back me up here
Guidelines have changed backwards and forwards so much since I have had Emily, it is amazing that mums are not sat in a corner rocking with all the conflicting advice.

I think the obesity thing will only come about if babies are weaned on rubbish, they will just carry on eating rubbish, if they have a good diet then it should follow that they will probably be an healthy adult, not always the case but ya know what I mean.

Just as an aside though I was a fat baby I mean really, my diet was good and i was breastfed, by the time I was at school I was slim and still am ( well except when I have a choccie binge ;)

I was referring to ryders post about the new recommendations not the OPs post. I already answered the OPs post.

Your right not so long ago the recommendation was 4 months but things change because of research that is my point.

Also I only pointed out the breastfeeding recommendation because Ryder said more babies have health problems going by the new recommendations and breastfeeding exclusively until 6 months is the recommendation and I dont see why any baby would be harmed by that? I think you misunderstood by post.
I dont believe early weaning has anything to do with obesity or health problems. People are people and each of us has our own issues.

Lots of people werent breastfed or were weaned early and have no health problems or are obese.

People cant lump everyone together based on silly things like that. I see more health problems with children nowadays because of all the "new" research etc... god how did people survive 20 years ago? They were weaned as early at 2 weeks?!?!?!

Of course a baby is going to have health problems if they are weaned at 2 weeks rather than the 'new' 6 months, its just ludicrous to suggest otherwise. The reason its new is because science and research progress as people learn more and technology progresses.

People used to give babies alcohol back in the day but thats obviously proven to be detrimental!

Why would a child have health problems if they were breastfed until 6 months and then weaned after? That is the recommendation after all.

It is scientific fact that health problems can occur with early weaning. It may not happen to all babies but it is more likely to happen than if they were weaned at 5/6 months. This research is based on credible evidence its not something they just made up.

Dont think you got my post... I said the opposite... I see way more health issues with the NEW recommendations.... or 6 months.

Way back when "early" weaning was popular we didnt have the severity of reflux and the need to perform esophogal operations on young children.

Yet, many people in their late 20's and 30's have no health issues at all?

People base their opinions on lack of reasoning and information. Allergies, obesity and sickness are all things that have many factors to them... Not just whether the baby was bf for 6 months.

Your right I dont know what you mean.... I was just pointing out that new recommendations about weaning are made because of a lot of research so I dont see why a child weaned at 6 months would have more health problems than a child weaned at 2 weeks/2 months/ 3 months? Because thats what I thought you were getting at.

I also think theres more to obesity than early weaning, but I do think food intolerances and other problems can stem from early weaning and by early Im talking really early like 20 years ago when my OH was weaned at 8 weeks and his brother at 3 weeks.

I found this article. It about a study where they found no link between early weaning and obesity.
food doesnt make people obese ... its the eating habits that cause obesity.

you instill bad eating habits to your children then of course they will have bad eating habits as they grow up and become obese, no matter when they are weaned.

a baby thats weaned at 4 months and has a good balanced diet is of course less likely to be obese than a baby who was weaned at 6 months but just eats crap all the time and vice versa.
First of all, please don't shout at me, I really don't want to start any arguments, I'm just genuingly (sp?) curious?

The other day someone told me that early weaning can cause obesity. I really don't understand how. I always thought that unhealthy diets/ too much fast food/ not enough exercise was to blame.

Please would someone mind explaining it to me, and any links anyone has would be good too :)

Thanks x

As has been mentioned, some studies have found a link between early weaning and obesity, or formula-feeding and obesity, whilst others have not. There is actually a very simple reason for this. Studies have reliably found that the faster a baby puts on weight, the more likely it will be obese later in life. This is why there is no direct link between early weaning, formula-feeding or anything else and obesity, because babies are very different and will gain weight at different rates, no matter how they are fed. Obviously these factors can sometimes influence weight gain, but they will not be the same for every child.

Now for the biology. The reason that rapid weight gain can give a predeposition to obesity is to do with the appetite hormone ghrelin. Rapid growth rate causes this hormone to be upregulated, which increases the appetite. It seems that in some cases, this reprogramming of appetite is semi-permanent.

However, this is far less important than the child's environment (parental obesity is by far the strongest risk factor) and a healthy lifestyle, as you mentioned.

Early causes of child obesity and implications for prevention is an excellent paper on the subject with a lot of useful information.

Hope that helps a bit. :)
i think it very hard to prove, as obesity in children and adults can be stemmed from all kinds of theories,
genetic make up one of the biggest players, some people are just more prone to weight gain than others.
toddlers fed junk food and have little excercise huge impact on when they get older as this is how they've been bought up.
and maybe weaning far too young, stomachs of babies are very pourous so that they can take nutrients in easier.

i also dont get it as there is more calories in milk than in puree's so in that case if they are drinking more milk the are having more calories... i dont get it

but if i had to put money on it, i think lifestyle and eating habits is the main contributer to obesity.

4 months or 6 months i'm a believer in mum's instincts if they feel baby is ready, rosie was weaned at 3 months on baby jars as that was the norm 15yrs ago. she's stick thin, but fusses over food now, but thats her age.

i got lotsa theories about it but they often contradict each other lol
i'm not too good with words early in the morning, but i'll try and explain what i think the person that said about early weaning and obesity was on about!

from what i've seen, babies that need weaning earlier tend to be bigger babies (i'm sure its not always the case, just from what i've seen). therefore, they're predisposed to being bigger adults?? nothing to do with the fact they were given food earlier, just that they were hungrier and ready for more food. if that makes any sense???

i personally started weaning katie at 12 weeks (could have been 11, i'm not sure now!) because she was constantly starving. my HV agreed with me that some babies needed it earlier and thats what she did with hers. i started really gently, it was baby rice til 16 weeks, then root veg and stuff, and i didnt introduce meat til nearly 7 months, and even then it was only chicken. she's had no problems with being sick or anything liket hat.

i've got a friend tho who at 8 weeks started giving her babies petit filous, and they're ill constantly. could just be a coincidence, but you never know!!

at the end of the day, the only person that can say what's right for each baby is their mumma!!
y'know what i feel sorry for us mum's its so hard trying to get things right isnt it, and no matter what we do people always say things are wrong, i think we have just got to trust our instincts on it all.

i have found websites for and against obesity causes,

hv tells me one thing turns to the next parent says another.

find a anabel karmel book puree the way to go, find gill rapley book blw is the way to go.

why is parenting full of hard choices lol

think we can all agree on one thing though we all do what we think is right and we always defend our decisions cos otherwise we'd be admitting we are 'bad parents' :)
all mine were weaned earlier than recommended and my next one will be as well...if i believe he or she needs to be. Personally i dont give any credit to guidelines, over the past 20 years they have been up and down, left and right...and will continue to be so.

None of mine have allergies or digestive problems. I dont believe early weaning is the problem, i believe its how you wean them so early. Mine were all weaned at 4 months (summer was 3 and half months for her reflux, i was TOLD to by the doctor) on just baby rice apple and pear, till 6 months of age, only then did i introduce other types of food and dairy.

None of them are anywhere near obese either, they are sticks!
Not so very long ago it was the recomendation to wean at 4 months.

I would just like to say though and some mums of older children can probably back me up here

Yep!! My eldest 5 were weaned around 4months with the exception of my eldest boy who was weaned at 12 weeks!! Not one of them are obese and not one of them have any health problems!! IMO the guidelines and recommendations change that often that the 'experts' make things harder for parents to make their choices!! I would like to wean ern at 6 months not because the experts say so but because i like the idea of being able to give him actual foods rather than bowls of slop, BUT if he shows signs of wanting more than just milk then i will see how it goes!!at the moment he is showing the signs tom did at the same age, so i have upped his milk oz in each bottle to see if that helps!!
i remember my hv telling me this and i asked her why, and do you no what, she couldn't tell me! she said well its because she eats to much! :dohh:
my response was surely lots of veggie's is better for her! my hv was also totally against me giving maddi formula even though she was thriving on it and i had no milk :dohh: (i couldn't bf) i did ask what you would like me to feed her then!! :dohh:
maddi was a big baby, 9lb 3.5 and she wasn't weaned early, i did follow the recommendations, only because thats when she was ready, she was weaned at 6.5months, and is now perfectly healthy and very silm. she eat's a very healthy and varied diet and i'm very proud of myself for that. i don't think weaning early or late has anything to do with being obese, i think there are many factors that cause obesity (lifestyle choices, hormones, amount of exercise, the foods you choose to eat) but i really don't think when you wean has anything to do with it.
I spoke to my mum about this and she weaned my brother between 2-3 months i was a bit like WOW!! But his now 14 and his weight is about 10st and his about 5ft8ish and the only food he dont like is mint but he never like that as a toddler. I think it mainly depends on the foods and the activity's people do and of course if its a gene thing...

Where as i was weaned later than my brother was im 5ft5 and weigh 10st and half ok before i had kyle i was about 8st but i seem to have a very good metabolism (sp~?) since i used to just pig out on junk food 24/7 so bad i was eating micro chips and pizzas Eww lol and atlest 1 2ltr bottle of fizzy pop per day

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