I put the bottle of it into a bowl of warm water...not sure if this is right?! My OH does the same but puts it into a bowl of boiling water from the kettle which I've asked him not to do as I'm sure it's too hot and could kill the nutrients?
I cant BF my little boy due to his cleft lip & palate so he is only fed on EBM.
I heat mine by putting the bottle into hot water just long enough to take the chill off.
Don't ever heat it in the microwave, it can split. Plus there's the risk of over heating & destroying nutrients.
If you're using frozen EBM then you can defrost it in warm water but it's kinder to the milk to let it defrost slowly in the fridge, or if you are going to use it straight away defrost it at room temp.
Just for info - If you have a container which is partially defrosted, don't be tempted to pour off the liquid milk and come back to use the rest later as the fatty part of the milk defrosts first so you would be taking away all the best bits and only leaving the watery part for the next feed.(IYKWIM???)
Once the container frozen EBM has beed opened it needs to be used within 12hours.
George is now coming up to 19 weeks old and is fed exclusively on EBM, he's thriving so I guess these methods are working for us anyway
We don't use it much but when we do we just get it out of the fridge a little early to take the chill off. Jack doesn't like it straight from the fridge but just below room temperature is fine for him.
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