Elective Questions


Mummy & Pregnant
Apr 3, 2008
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Hi ladies.. Few questions for you re my chances of getting a c section..
Bit of background.. 2nd pregnancy, first labour/birth was traumatic, I've listed all the points that i want to put to my consultant for why I want an elective section this time..
*Difficulty getting into labour with daughter - induction
*Failure to progress and dilate despite almost constant contractions
*Contractions began 9pm Thursday, very strong and close together due to 2 doses of prostin until delivery 4.19am Saturday*
*Epidural stopped my contractions
*Pitocin drip caused daughters heart rate to drop causing huge distress
*Was CONTINUOUSLY told 'one more hour and we'll get you into theatre for a section' - this never happened in spite of a very long, distressing labour
*Was left to push for ages which was ineffective and daughter had to be delivered by ventouse
*Daughter was blue and had cord wrapped tightly round neck upon delivery

I feel very strongly that I do not want to go through another traumatic labour/birth and over 4 years on still suffer anxiety attacks because of this.*
I have researched into ELCS and am aware of possible complications and fully aware a CS is not the easy option, however it is still my wish to be booked in for a planned section.

On top of this I have found I am GBS infected and although a lot of sources say a c section doesn't eliminate the chance of baby becoming infected, others say it significantly reduces the risk so long as section is done before waters break or labour starts.

Based on the above what do you think my chances are of getting an elective section - I'm in the uk..

Thanks xx
I'm not sure, as I'm in the US. I would write everything down. Do you want me to edit the above text for you so you can give a copy of it to your doctor to state your case?
I love editing!

IMO, you should be able to have a c-section next time. It sounds like you went through more than enough for a section. :hugs: to you.
Oh my goodness if you don't mind that would be fantastic please.. I'm useless at wording things - I would appreciate it so do much xx
Sorry that you had such a rough time last time, your story is so similar to mine. I ended up having an emcs last time. I was induced at 10 days over with ds. The staff were meant to give me a pessary to start contractions but as I was told that I was 2-3cm when admitted, they didn't give it to me. I was sent to labour ward after 2 nights waiting in hospital to have my waters broken. The midwife there said as I was actually only 2cm she shouldn't be doing it but had a go anyway and succeeded. There was meconium in my waters but they told me not to worry. About 5mins later, baby started having decelerations but again, they said don't worry, but I did. They carried on and gave me pitocin and contractions came thick and fast. Decels continued and baby's head stayed very high. Midwife told dr she wasn't happy but dr just said it was fine. 10 hrs later, when drs changed over, I was examined by new dr who said ultrasound needed now...needless to say, baby was stuck, so csection was done. Even after all that, this time I've been told that I'll have to fight consultant for an elective section, which I plan to, but like you I am scared about what to say and how to say it to get what I want. Sorry my post is so long!
Ah that's just awful - sounds like you had a totally awful experience, you poor thing. No wonder you want a section this time - how traumatic for you.
I'd have thought you'd have very good grounds for getting your elcs.. Is your consultant sympathetic or have you not seen him/her yet this pregnancy?
Thank you for sharing your experience, please keep me updated how you get on when you ask for the section.
Best of luck xx
Hmm that's a tough one, as a lot of 1st births are bad but consecutive ones are fine. I had a similar experience

My 1st baby was born at 40+4 at 9lb12oz.

*36 hour labour
*very slow progression of dilation resulting in syntocin drip
*no epidural even tho I was begging for one
*pushing on 9cm cervix which swelled up terribley
*finally given epidural (after 30 hours)to stop me pushing on the swollen cervix
*two more hours pushing on an anterior lip
*Forceps delivery and episiotomy

Then second time I got pregnant and I was TERRIFIED! That first birth traumatised me so bad. All I could picture was being stuck lying on my back with about 10 people all around me looking down at me, with a needle in my back, one in my hand, a monitor around my tummy, a monitor on babys scalp, and my feet strapped into stirrups. And people forcing metal tongs into my swollen sore cut vagina while I lay there terrified and strapped down. :(

I did vaginal again upon being told that second time round is a walk in the park. :hmmm:

The second time round I had a 9lb5oz baby:

*7.5 hour labour (including pushing time) which was soooo much better!
*Dilated from 3cm to 10cm in one hour after getting my waters broken
*Pushed for 2 hours on another damn anterior lip
*baby went into distress, ventouse delivery with no epidural (just gas and air)
*Another episiotomy!

So this time pregnant with twins I am really torn with what to do!
2nd time was a lot easier yes, but still not a walk in the park by a long shot!

Hopefully you make the best decision for you. I still haven't made mine..
Ah that's just awful - sounds like you had a totally awful experience, you poor thing. No wonder you want a section this time - how traumatic for you.
I'd have thought you'd have very good grounds for getting your elcs.. Is your consultant sympathetic or have you not seen him/her yet this pregnancy?
Thank you for sharing your experience, please keep me updated how you get on when you ask for the section.
Best of luck xx

Thankyou. I'm not sure about the consultant, I have met her once at 12 weeks and she just put me straight down for a vbac and told me not to worry, but throughout this pregnancy that's all I've done. I will def let you know what she says. My app is next Monday, and I'm scared stiff of going!
I wrote this pretty quickly. I would type it in letter format (make sure the date and your contact information is clear). I was a bit confused by the medical speak/timeline, so you may want to edit the bullet points. Also, I would have someone that you know/trust read it for you to check it over. My DH does that for me.

To Whom it May Concern:

I am writing this letter to request an elective Cesarean Section.

I had an extremely difficult labor with my daughter on (add date here). Below is a description of what occurred:
• Failure to progress and dilate despite having almost constant contractions.
• I was administered two doses of Prostin, and had strong, constant contractions from Thursday (add date here) 9:00 p.m. until Saturday (add date here) 4:19 a.m.
• I was given an epidural which stopped my contractions.
• I was administered Pitocin in my IV, which caused my daughter’s heart rate to drop. This caused me a great amount of emotional stress.
• I was repeatedly told “one more hour, and we’ll get you into theatre for a c-section.” This never happened, despite a long, distressing labor.
• I was left to push for hours, even though it was ineffective. My daughter ultimately had to be delivered by a ventouse.
• Upon delivery, my daughter was blue, and had the umbilical cord wrapped tightly around her neck.

I feel very strongly about having a C-section this time, since over four years later I am still having anxiety attacks as a direct result of the labor/birth of my daughter. I do not want to go through another traumatic labor/birth again. I am sure that I am physically and emotionally unable to birth my child naturally.

I have spent hours researching Elective Cesarean Sections, and I am aware of all possible complications. I am aware that the recovery is often times more difficult than a natural labor. Please take my request into consideration. I appreciate all of your support regarding this matter. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at (insert phone number here).


Your story sounds similar to mine ( except I wasn't induced ) and then did need the EMCS in the end as the ventouse didn't work and he was too distressed. I have had no problems getting an ELCs this time, despite being worried that I would be met with resistance . No ne has tried to press a VbAC on me a all! I think you've shown you've done your research so just persevere and make them see you have made your mind up. Good luck
I had a very traumatic labour and birth with my son. I have discussed the possibility of having a elective c-section with future babies with my Dr and have had a very positive response.

I'd have a word with your mw, have you had you booking in app? And she can refer you to talk to a consultant.
I just want to say they will try and push a 'normal' birth, as that is their job - which can be upsetting when you dont even want to think about doing that again. Stick to your guns and ask for a consultation. x
Jellybean thank you so much, that's brilliant, I will def be taking that to my 16 week midwife appointment and asking who I need to send it to in order for my voice to be heard.
Charliebear thank you so much for your support - I'm sorry you too had a difficult time in labour.. There's so much to consider isn't there - such a difficult decision to make xx

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