Last year Buddy arrived on1st Dec and wrote a msg in mini marshmallows 'I'm back' and brought 1st Dec boxes, made a Snowman out of toilet rolls, made a zip wire across the lounge, climbed the C'mas tree, decorated the lounge in toilet roll, left tic tacs to plant in sugar and instructions so they grew in to candy canes, made cakes and left everything out for them to decorate, wrote a msg in toothpaste on the bathroom sink, left a few cinema packs, left book and writing paper to send their santa letters, made a 'shoe shoe train', left their tickets to their santa experiences, played with their toys a couple of times, drew a self portrait, drew minions on bananas, left their C'mas eve boxes and wrote an 'I love you' msg using candy canes for the heart. That's the majority of them, not very imaginative I'm afraid. Been looking on pintrest and screen shotting a few things recently. So far I've got...
Making a slide out of their books,
Eating Nutella,
Rolling down the stairs in a roll of toilet paper,
Writing a msg in flour,
Drawing on their faces,
Sweeping up spilt cereal with their toy dustpan and brush, toasting marshmallows, then the usual...bringing their advent calendars, tickets to santa experiences, cinema packs, C'mas eve and Dec 1st boxes and writing paper for letters. Luckily they're still young enough to be happy with simple things at the moment.