Enjoy what?


Mommy x’s 2
Jan 12, 2012
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Everyone keeps saying "enjoy these last weeks while you can.." my question is Enjoy what? Sleep? that doesn't exist. The quiet? My dogs don't understand quiet. Peeing/showering in peace? Again, my dogs don't understand that concept either. And last time I checked being in pain 24/7 sucks, accumulating more stretch marks as each day passes is depressing, having to pee so bad it hurts to only have a few drops come out is annoying. My vagina is so swollen and i have so much pressure its ridiculous. Sex isn't even an option right now because of all of the above. The list goes on forever. SO someone please explain to me why people keep saying this?
I feel the same. Although nobody has told me to enjoy it because i complain all of the time. Everyone knows i'm miserable!
If one more person says enjoy sleep now they must never been pregnant. I pee every hour sleeping. I cant get comfy because Iv gained so much plus I got rear ended so it makes it way worse. I waddle when I walk. I cant breathe. My feet are swollen. My boobs are already leaking and down stairs Is leaking especially if I pick something up. Needless to say I'm miserable. Hes awake alllllllllll the time he never sleeps!!!
exactly.. Im like I will enjoy life so much more once shes here.. I've enjoyed my pregnancy, I really really have. I had a few times of nausea that sucked during first trimester and other than that I was great until I got all this pain in my back and crotch! If I didn't have the pain I probably would be content to keep on going, but I'm only 34 weeks and I've been in this pain for at least 4-5 weeks now. That is a long time to have pain 24/7 especially when you know you have at least another 4-6 weeks left of it!

Now I'm just ready to have her, hold her, snuggle her, love on her, walk normally and sleep on my belly without back pain!
I get it. It sucks big time.
I told you to " enjoy" what you can because next time you are pregnant and have the horrendous last few weeks, you will also have your little girl to take care of..... It just gets more difficult with each subsequent pregnancy. Just trying to find a silver lining to the hard last weeks for you.
So no, nothing is enjoyable. Sorry to make you upset, I take it back then.
Oh no its not you! I get what you meant with it being harder the next time! Its everyone I see that tells me this especially the enjoy the sleep now one! I'm just like seriously? What sleep? Lol they just act like I have no clue what I'm doing or getting myself into like its the worst thing in the world when she finally comes. I've lived for that day my entire life. Everything I've endured every heartache over the almost 3 years TTC was for that moment when she comes. For the sleepless nights and holding her in my arms. I've tried so hard not to complain about anything because I remember how it felt seeing people complain when all I wanted was to be in their shoes. And I'm not trying to complain now either I just am tired of hearing all these people tell me stuff that is pointless. And most people act like this point in pregnancy is blissful and easy and just lovely.. I don't think for any pregnancy whether it's the first one or 10th one is ever easy in the end.

I just have been so moody lately because its been building up and I just hold it in..lol I'm also ready to not be so moody all the time too :)
Yes, Im sure all of the " you just wait Until...." Gets old too. Honestly, people just mean well and are trying to be... I don't even know what word to use! They don't mean it in an annoying/aggravating way, but it is, I get it. Been there girl! You still have some more weeks ahead and I'm sure you'll keep hearing it, so just try to block it out and ignore I guess. They really aren't meaning to upset you!
In a months time it will all be in the past and will be beyond worth it! Pregnancy, while going through it, is not a joyride, but people - and eventually you too in time- look upon it as such an amazing time in life..... Again, once it's well behind you. You don't think of all the agonizing minutes and all, you just think of it as glorious and truly miraculous to grow a perfect tiny human baby, and time erases memories of the BS :)
Hang in there girl! Sending best wishes to you across the miles
And just to add, once baby is born, comments don't stop. People will comment on what you should do, shouldn't do, should use, shouldn't use, what you're doing "right" and " wrong" - according to them.... It really never ends. So it's a good time to grow a thick skin or maybe buy a tshirt saying " I don't give a crap about whatever annoying comment you're about to make" . Lol
It's true, the comments never stop.. As soon as your pregnant and continuing after birth people feel like need to give their unsolicited advice.. Sure they may mean the best when they give it but getting told things from a million different people gets old. I haven't been able to sleep for weeks either and I know from experience I will be really tiredafterthe baby comes. But i won't be as uncomfortable and in pain!
I was waddling in the store today after a certain amount of time. I got stares but the Only person who dared to say anything was my husband. I also may have started crying bc I didn't want chicken. Everything hurts. I only see it getting worse =[
The comments for me are often the straw that breaks the camel's back. I'm handling all these pains, worries and discomfort and you're telling me to what? Lol. They never stop too.
Its true tho, "pregnancy sleep" is a lot better than "newborn sleep." At least when you're pregnant you can nap whenever without worries. With a newborn sleep is all over the place and once you get yourself back to sleep, baby is awake again. I would take my heartburn filled nights over the first few weeks with a newborn.

Tho I did luck out, DD was sleeping 3-4 hour stretches at night and by 3 weeks she was sleeping through but that is very rare
I think you are right - the 'sleep now' people have never had a kid. I think it's something they say because they don't know what to say but still want to be part of the conversation. I was one of those clueless people for many years because I waited so long to have a baby.

Now I'm 30 weeks at 39. I've had middle of the night insomnia since pretty much the day I got pregnant. And now I have trouble going to sleep too because I'm uncomfortable. I can't nap during the day because I'm either working or trying to catch up on personal errands. I figure this is just my ramp up - my body's prep for newborn life.
Its true tho, "pregnancy sleep" is a lot better than "newborn sleep." At least when you're pregnant you can nap whenever without worries. With a newborn sleep is all over the place and once you get yourself back to sleep, baby is awake again. I would take my heartburn filled nights over the first few weeks with a newborn.

Tho I did luck out, DD was sleeping 3-4 hour stretches at night and by 3 weeks she was sleeping through but that is very rare

I'm actually looking forward to lack of sleep from a newborn instead of lack of sleep because of hip pain and reflux! My DS was a rubbish sleeper but I do remember those lovely breastfeeding hormones that meant once I'd fed him and tucked him back up in bed I fell asleep the second my head hit the pillow.

One thing I did do before I had DS was realise I wasn't going to be able to go to the theatre or cinema or dinner whenever I fancied so I did make the most of the last couple of months to enjoy those things as and when I fancied.
I think when people say things like that it's often because they look back on their first pregnancy with a bit of nostalgia ... I know I do. I don't say those things to people because I know how annoying it can be, but when you look you back on something very special (like your first pregnancy) you tend to forget all the annoying things and just remember the good stuff like the kicks and the excitement around the pregnancy !
With this pregnancy I was determined to enjoy it right to the end because it is my last, but have found myself thinking things like "how did I forget how uncomfortable just bending over can be ?!" :haha: I also thought I would be more patient in waiting for babies arrival since I'm so busy with the other 3, but as time goes on I'm getting more impatient again. I know one day I will again look back and miss being pregnant :dohh:

On the other hand I also know it's easy to dismiss advice because you feel like it couldn't possibly be more difficult than pregnancy, but there is some truth that in it is a huge lifestyle change. One for the better of course, but the reality is it can be hard. I don't think there is much point in looking at your baby's arrival negatively (like oh your going to miss your sleep etc) but rather realistically. Sure it's not easy, but it is the best thing you will ever experience in life !

Lesson is ... Don't try put yourself in another shoes because it is always different when you are the one going through it !
I know! I feel like well.. I know her arrival will be the best day of my life and every time I hear an annoying comment like that I am just like seriously? Why do you make it sound like its so miserable after having a baby? I won't get much sleep or who knows maybe I will but that sleep after having her will be much better because I won't be so uncomfortable and in pain! I can't nap now whenever because I'm still working too and can't just go out to dinner or movie or dates like id like to with dh because we have to save every penny so I can stay out of work for 3 weeks and then after that I'll have to take her to work with me. I mean I can enjoy my dogs and my dh (somewhat) for the next 4-6 weeks but I don't want to spoil the dogs too much in this last month because I don't want them acting out when she gets here and as for DH he's working his little heart out to make extra money so he is very tired right now and I can't bare to have sex right now with the pain but as soon as I hit valentines day.. Pain or not well be doing it almost everyday and then once she actually gets here that's what I'm looking forward to enjoying with him! I am ready to enjoy him as a daddy. I've enjoyed him as a partner/husband for 9 years.. I'm ready to enjoy him as daddy!
I think it's because loads of people miss their bumps, miss feeling their baby wiggle. Don't get me wrong I know pregnancy is tough towards the end but I think people forget the crap and just remember a special time that you can never get back x
Its true tho, "pregnancy sleep" is a lot better than "newborn sleep." At least when you're pregnant you can nap whenever without worries. With a newborn sleep is all over the place and once you get yourself back to sleep, baby is awake again. I would take my heartburn filled nights over the first few weeks with a newborn.

Tho I did luck out, DD was sleeping 3-4 hour stretches at night and by 3 weeks she was sleeping through but that is very rare

This was never the case for me. I was REALLY sleep deprived, especially with my son as he had reflux and I had to hold him upright for 20 minutes after each feed, plus he wouldn't settle after about 4am, but I have to say the sleep I DID get when I had a baby was so much deeper and more comfortable than the sleep I got in the final weeks of pregnancy. Maybe because I was so tired, I just pretty much blacked out between feeds! When it's your first baby you can also nap during the day when they sleep too, although obviously once you get to number two that's out of the question.
A lot of women have great pregnancies and forget those miserable last few weeks. I, on the other hand, have now had two 100% miserable pregnancies and anyone who tells me to "enjoy" this experience tends to get a candid response about how miserable I have been the entire time, and how much more awesome it is to have a baby in my arms than one in my belly. I got WAY better sleep once the baby was out. The entire 6 months so far have been a living hell for me, and the last three ahead seem almost unbearable.
I will never be nostalgic about pregnancy. No one could pay me enough to do this again, and the only reason I've endured it twice is because the first time I had no idea it would be this hard, and because I love my son too much to let him be an only child.
And I have found that a lot of women respond to my honesty, too: they admit they did not enjoy being pregnant. So it's ok to give an honest response.

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