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Epidural, does it hurt to have?


Mummy to Layla, George & Enzo <3
Oct 21, 2018
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My pain tolerance to needles is pretty good and they don't bother me, however I made the mistake of youtubing a video of the epidural process, that needle is flipping huge! And I'm not squeamish at all but watching the whole process the hairs stood up on the back of my neck :rofl:

I've had 2 naturals with just G&A in the past and I'm looking for my 3rd and final to be pain free, I want to know what it feels like to have an epidural fitted?
I’m wondering the exact same. I also watched another video on YouTube with an American labour nurse who gave her experiences on a medicated labour with an epidural vs no pain relief labour... and she mentioned the pros and cons of both and said that with the epidural you can have back pain/feel nauseous/headaches etc... I don’t want to feel ill so its something that puts me off lol! And also about having to have a catheter, which i guess is a given. But again I’ve never had one before so wanted to know what that was like too!

My last birth was no pain relief not even gas and air cos I thought it was shit haha. But I had so much anxiety after giving birth that I want to try and make this birth as positive as I can, and if that means having an epidural and having a calmer experience then so be it. The only thing is, is my labour was 3 hours with my son so I do wonder if il even have time to have one...

Sorry I’ve gone on and on lol. Xx
No I'm completely with you i was gowned up ready for an epidural with my second baby had all the needles in my hands, a catheter fitted, and they broke my water and he came straight out before the anaethatist got back to me! I think the catheter I had didn't stay in though they just popped it in to drain my bladder and took it out, I can't remember I remember asking afterwards did they remove the catheter and my ex MIL was like... you don't even have one in! But getting it put it doesn't hurt, just feels absolutely disgusting and not normal :rofl:

I'd rather feel ill than feel pain hahaha! X
Id literally rather go without any pain relief at all than have an epidural :sick: the thought of it makes me ill :rofl: i wouldnt even be able to watch a video of it!
It hurts a bit but no where near as much as the contractions. They give you gas and air when you are getting the epidural and it wasn't too bad!
They dont give us gas and air. You get an epidural during a contraction or not. It hurts but not painful.
Both labours I had diamorphine first before the epidurals first one worked to an extent but they don't numb me if that makes sense... Could feel all the pain... Second one actually gave ptsd misplaced 7 times!! Xx
The epidural in its self doesn't hurt they numb it first you just feel like a electrical jolt through your spine when they thread the tube.. From experience avoid it once inserted your stuck in one place no gravity to help baby down the whole birthing process slows... Both times were awful.... Not everyone has the same experience but if you've done it before without one you can do it again xx
I have had an epidural with both of my boys. Being completely honest, the fear is worse than the pain. As the needle itself is painful, I think the hardest part of it is holding completely still while they are inserting it. I was 8cm dilated with my last son when I received my epidural, and the contractions overtook the pain of the epidural. If you want the pain relief then I say go for it, but just keep your mind open to your options.

I am actually planning to try without it this time around since I made it so far with the last. I also think some of my back pain was brought on after having epidurals (most probably from my chest and carrying around littles for so long). But do what is best for you hun! I will tell you, I was so sooooo relieved once I had the epidural in. Was able to relax and sleep a bit. Good luck!! <3
Thank you for all the input! I've made my mind up about an epidural anyway so for me to keep my options open or anything, it's a no from me hahaha I've done it with just gas twice before and even though once it's over with I'm like, yes I done it, I want to feel the difference this time! I'm sure it's fine anyway, I've had operations in the past while awake and needed local anasthetic which I've needed more ths just the one to numb me, now that was real pain! In terms of having one and not having gravity to help you, I never once gave birth in an upright position, both times I've been lying down, and I'm pretty sure I end up flat on my back in pain and I've had pretty quick labours, 7 hours for my 1st and 2 hours on my 2nd, so maybe the same thing will happen again and he comes to quick, but if the option is there, I'm taking the epidural :rofl:
I had an epidural with my 1st and I genuinely didn’t feel a thing because my contractions were that painful and I was having no break between them so I was in constant agony the whole time.
I was mega relieved when the contraction pain vanished.
I wouldn’t say no to another one if I needed it, however my second labour was done just G&A with 7 hours active labour and I’m hoping to do the same this time.
I had one (but over 7 years ago) and I swear the most painful part was my SPD playing up from how I had to sit. It obviously hurt but I don't remember it being overly bad.
I loved my epidural. I had it when I was 5cm. It took me 12 hours to get from 2cm to 5cm, and then when I got my epidural it took me a little less than an hour to go from 5cm to 10cm. So, although I hear a lot of people saying it takes longer for progression when you have an epidural, my experience was quite opposite. My OB said that I must have relaxed a great bit after I had it and that allowed my body to progress. Well, yeah, I had no pain and it was 5 in the morning, I finally was able to sleep, even it was only 45 minutes! haha I can't recall feeling any pain with my epidural. The contraction pain probably masked the epidural pain. We don't have gas and air here. Good luck with whatever you decide.
I had it with my DD, and honestly I do not remember a thing. They told me to sit still in a hunched position, then first administered a little painkiller (?) then the epidural. It was the easiest part of the whole ordeal xxx
Hoping for the same for you if you decide to get one
It's ok hon. The worst part isnt the actual epidural itself more the first injection u have to numb the area. The anesthetic it stings but goes numb quick. Also the stuff the put on ure back to keep it clean. Not sure what it's called but its brown. That is real cold when they put it on ure back.

I've opted for an epidural. But will start with gas and air and see how I go first.
Been having contractions the past 24 hours but there not close together. I'm so done with this now and cant wait for my induction on sunday.

I'm not gonna lie tho I am real nervous. I just want him safe in my arms so I know he is ok.[-o&lt;
I don’t even remember mine so it really couldn’t have been painful.
Thank you for all the input! I've made my mind up about an epidural anyway so for me to keep my options open or anything, it's a no from me hahaha I've done it with just gas twice before and even though once it's over with I'm like, yes I done it, I want to feel the difference this time! I'm sure it's fine anyway, I've had operations in the past while awake and needed local anasthetic which I've needed more ths just the one to numb me, now that was real pain! In terms of having one and not having gravity to help you, I never once gave birth in an upright position, both times I've been lying down, and I'm pretty sure I end up flat on my back in pain and I've had pretty quick labours, 7 hours for my 1st and 2 hours on my 2nd, so maybe the same thing will happen again and he comes to quick, but if the option is there, I'm taking the epidural :rofl:
You will be relieved of how much of the pain it takes away being completely honest. I felt absolutely great once I received it with my last pregnancy. And I am telling you right now, that since you know what the pain of natural labor is like, the epidural will be an easy breeze pain wise having it inserted. It really is not that it's painful (it does hurt, but I couldn't tell you how bad because I don't remember lol, so hopefully that's a positive sign for ya!) it's more scary than anything only because you have to be completely still and they are putting a needle and cath into your spine.

I'm not weighing the epidural out of my options, but I am going in the opposite of you this time lol trying to go natural. But we will see, if I freak out from the contractions like I did last time, I will probably be having an epidural again. :lol:](*,)
You will be relieved of how much of the pain it takes away being completely honest. I felt absolutely great once I received it with my last pregnancy. And I am telling you right now, that since you know what the pain of natural labor is like, the epidural will be an easy breeze pain wise having it inserted. It really is not that it's painful (it does hurt, but I couldn't tell you how bad because I don't remember lol, so hopefully that's a positive sign for ya!) it's more scary than anything only because you have to be completely still and they are putting a needle and cath into your spine.

I'm not weighing the epidural out of my options, but I am going in the opposite of you this time lol trying to go natural. But we will see, if I freak out from the contractions like I did last time, I will probably be having an epidural again. :lol:](*,)

Now you've put my mind at ease :rofl: and good luck for being opposites to me! Honestly, I tolerate pain so well thr midwife who was there while I was giving birth to my second was like... your 8/9cms, how are you still having a laugh and a joke with us, she thought it was amazing, I cant remember what we was giggling about, but she was amazed! Then I came to pushing and freaked out big time, started screaming, crying, vomiting think I then went into shock because that part of labour does freak me out and because I was still waiting for the guy to come and pop the epidural in I was fine, and I think reality hit that wasnt getting one and oh my god I turned to a psycho and I'm not afraid to admit it! I do remember her saying, god now I believe that your in labour! Then I pushed the baby out in one push hahaha! I did tear on both previous pregnancies, didn't feel it on my first as I was pushing for about an hour so with every push I'm guessing I was tearing bit by bit, with my second he came flying out and tore in one go, so I'm not sure if the ring of fire is what I felt or the tear, but either way... that's why I'm getting an epidural even if I have to put it in my bloody self if they dont get to me In time:rofl:
The epidural should not hurt. If you feel anything you should speak up. You get a numbing shot after cleaning your back and that feels like a bee sting or blood draw but then you shouldn’t actually feel anything from there.
I’m really scared of needles but I thought that the epidural didn’t hurt more than a lunch. The contractions were far more worse.

And the pain relief afterwards is so good. :)

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