My ds1 had what looked to be tonic posturing type seizures since (at least) two weeks old.
It looked painful at times. He was taken to some of the worlds best doctors. E never did get a Dx, at the time, bc even tho he had them often, they could never catch it on EEG. He stayed inpatient for several weeks, tons of testing, ct scans, MRI etc. nothing showed. He got discharged a little after he turned one.
Then this past spring (he was 3.5 years old), he got injuried at the playground and sustained a concussion. Immediately after he cr back from being knocked unconscious, he began having many many absent seizures and atonic seizures.
A month later he had EEG done. He was confirmed an epileptic and has abnormal brainwaves as well as drop seizures.
We have meds in case he gets a seizure that lasts more than three minutes. Other than that he is not yet on anything. He does get absent seizures from time to time. Thankfully hasn't had any drop seizures for quite some time. Those are the scariest, IMO, as he will go limp like a rag doll and just fall to the ground. As if his body loses tone for several seconds. He only has petite mals, never grand mals, thankfully. The neurologist told us he is at a much greater risk for developing them later in life but at this point he could outgrow it.
He is labeled as childhood epilepsy, for now. But I have a feeling he won't outgrow it since they started at such a young age. Plus the abnormal brainwaves, which run in my family.
His fall and concussion was a blessing in disguise of sorts. Because it confirmed our suspicions from early on and now we know. I am happy to report however that he is a very bright and happy child. He is healthy otherwise and developing normally. He has not had any episodes for about six months.