Hi everyone! I’m Katie. We are currently ttc number 2. I am 9dpo today. Yesterday morning, I took an equate blue dye test. It showed up negative. I came back to it 5(ish) hours later and saw a very faint line. It’s easier to see in person compared to the picture. I have never had an evap before, so I was quite surprised. I think it had color to it, but i'm not sure if i'm overanalyzing.... Anyway. I took another test in the middle of the night when I woke up to pee. Once again, negative. But when I looked at it later when I got up (2 hours or so later), it had a for sure line. (Dollar store cheapie, but it was pink dye). What do you think? I know you aren't supposed to look at it passed the 10 minute mark, but i've never had evaps before and got two in a row? I can't help but be a little excited!