Eve Lily - 02/12/09 - her due date!

loopy loulou

Mum of 3:)
Feb 4, 2009
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This is REALLY late, but kept meaning to do it then found something else needed doing...

Anyway, more for my own sake I wanted to try to remember things and write them down so maybe one day I can look back with fond memories!

I'll try not to make it too long,..

I was due on 2nd Dec.. I had my son on his due date so everyone was teasing and saying that I would also have my daughter on her due date... "How cool would that be?!"

01/12 - I hadn't had any signs at all, no show or backache, just a few braxton hicks. I settled down to watch holby city (my favourite!), and about 8:30pm I just couldn't get comfortable, the 'braxton hicks' (later realised these were contractions!) were getting a bit worse and a bit more frequent. I said to hubby that I would go and have a bath to feel more comfy. So this was about 9pm, got into bath which was nice but contractions were now more regular and getting a bit intense - I had to kind of breathe through them. This was when I realised something might be happening.. I texted hubby (yes I know lazy, but didn't want to shout!) and said to maybe get organised. My older son (6yrs) was asleep so knew nothing about it! I got out the bath and phoned my sister who lives about half hour away and asked if she could come over to look after my son. After I got out the bath and got dressed I was getting a bit excited knowing that this could be it! I sat on my ball waiting for my sister - contractions were coming pretty regularly now and getting stronger - very manageable though.

10:30pm - My sister arrived and found me sitting on my ball having contractions about 3 minutes apart but still smiling. Hubby wanted to leave straight away.. was getting panicky bless him! As I was getting bags ready to go, I had a big 'double length' contraction and my waters broke - not much.. just trickling. I went to the loo to check to put a pad in and check the water was clear and had another big contraction. I remember saying "I don't want my baby on the toilet!!"

11:00pm - We got in the car and drove to hospital - 5 mins - hubby had put towels and bin bags down for me to sit on - how thoughtful!

Because we arrived at hospital out of hours we had to go through A&E and up some stairs! I was worrying that I had a wet bottom and people would look at me. I had to stop a few times for a contraction but finally got there.. I went straight to a room and gave the midwife my pad - all clear - then was examined. I was 7cm dilated!

12:30am (2nd Dec! Due date!) - Things were getting pretty intense so asked for G&A which was bliss.. Also asked if I could go in the pool if it was free. Midwife went to check and it was so she got it ready then came to get me. I got in the pool room - stripped off (I had bikini tops and all sorts ready in my bag... don't think we even unzipped it the whole time I was there!) and plunged into the pool. WOW! It was so relaxing I felt like going to sleep, even though I was getting really strong contractions. After about an hour I was getting the pushing feeling so midwife said to go with it and push if I felt the need to. But I found that being in the pool was SO relaxing I kind of lost all my energy so wasn't really progressing. At each contraction I just kept calmly breathing though it instead of pushing despite being told to push. G&A was spacing me out a bit!

2:00am - Midwife decided to get me out the pool as things weren't getting anywhere. So reluctantly got out and waddled back to the delivery room. I got back on the bed and things started hotting up again. Now when I got the urge to push I pushed! But I was still holding back a bit apparently so she took the G&A away! Because I'd been fully dilated for a while now and had been pushing, a second midwife came to check that things were progressing as they should be. They were also aware that my baby could be big (I had growth scans in pregnancy because of size) so were checking she wasn't stuck! She checked and watched a contraction happen and said it was fine, she was nearly there!

3:33am - A few more contractions and Eve was born! Was an amazing moment - the relief, the excitement, the love, the adrenaline!!!

She was so perfect and looked so big! I held her on my chest and just kissed her continuously. Hubby cut the cord and held us both.

The placenta was delivered within about 10 minutes, was allowed the G&A back for that! and Eve was weighed and checked.

9lb and perfect.

When she came out apparently the rest of the waters came and were very meconium stained so Eve had to have obs taken every 2 hours for 12 hours. All was fine, but they had to do it incase she had inhaled anything. This meant I couldn't go home till the afternoon.

My hubby went home about 6:30am because he wanted to be there when my son woke up to tell him he had sister! They came back in about 9am and stayed for a while. Then mum and sister came later and had lunch with me.

Hubby came back at 3pm to take us home.

Was an amazing labour and beautiful experience. I'm so proud of my two children.

Thanks for reading... :flower:


  • 14337_197067741999_621991999_3559110_5833736_n.jpg
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awww!!!! cool birth story!!

And as ive met Eve i can comfirm she is beautiful!!!!! = 0 )

Congratulations shes so cute, strange how both your children came on the due date lovely tho!
Congratulations shes so cute, strange how both your children came on the due date lovely tho!

I know! Midwives said they hadn't come across anyone who had 2 children on their due date.. very rare!

Thanks. x

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