Excess amniotic fluid


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2014
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Hi ladies, I went for an ultrasound today as Dr thought I may be measuring ahead.

Turns out, not measuring ahead. I have excess amniotic fluid. So I am quite stressed out. I need to go to Dr every week now so they can monitor me and concern is that cord can float around a lot easier with all that fluid so can be danger to baby. Everything is fine with baby at the moment but they need to monitor closely.

Has anyone else experienced this?
*bump* even if you haven't experienced this does anyone have anything at all reassuring to say??? I'm super stressed...
Yes I had polyhydramniosis in my first pregnancy. There was a concern about cord prolapse if my waters broke so I was induced at 39 weeks to be on the safe side. My now 5 year old is sat next to me as I type, happily playing so it all ended fine. It's often just one of those things x
I have no experience of this I am afraid but wanted to send you a hug, the previous post is reassuring though so hopefully you are feeling a bit better about thatx
Yes I had polyhydramniosis in my first pregnancy. There was a concern about cord prolapse if my waters broke so I was induced at 39 weeks to be on the safe side. My now 5 year old is sat next to me as I type, happily playing so it all ended fine. It's often just one of those things x

Thanks for sharing your experience! This is what I need to hear. Google has me so stressed!
Dr Google is evil. Step away from Dr Google!!
I had this in my second pregnancy but it went away by the next scan

I have it this pregnancy, its slowly creeping up every scan but baby is now also measuring huge. Have they tested you for diabetes? I have diabetes so that is the cause for me. xx
Hey there, I'm lurking over from second tri and will be joining you here soon (Wednesday! ), but had to respond -my sister just had this with my niece. She was diagnosed at 28 weeks and put on a modified bed rest for concerns everyone has mentioned (very modified, she still did light shopping, traveled for her shower, etc). She did do the weekly appointments, which was just another check...she was very unlucky with pregnancy, she also had gd and preclampsia... They planned for her to do c section, which she had with my perfectly healthy niece at 39 weeks.
hi there, just thought id comment as i also have polyhydramnios , im 31 weeks and i was scanned at 28 weeks as i looked huuuge , i was measuring 11 weeks ahead (fundus) and 4 weeks ahead on scan, no diabetes and they dont think baby has any issues with kidneys or stomach etc my consultant said its just one of those things and not to worry about it my other two sons were both big babies born too and as the specialist said bigger babies mean more water. i was told the same about the cord but only as an advisory to come straight in if my waters break . ill be having regular check ups from now on so atleast we know know were being looked after. im fed up of strangers asking if im sure theres only one!:wacko:
step away from google you'll be fine :flower:
Thanks for feedback ladies. They haven't said if it's officially polyhydramnios, they didn't say how much excess, I'm not sure if that makes a difference or not? I've gone for gd test and I don't have it.

I need to go for a Dr apt to get more info but it's the first week back to school and I'm a teacher, such bad timing.
I leant I have this last week... Went for my growth scan (I have GD) baby measuring fine, abdomen slightly bigger than average which is common with GD.... But my fluid levels have increased, baby has now managed to wriggle from heads down to transverse with a prolapsed cord :(
I leant I have this last week... Went for my growth scan (I have GD) baby measuring fine, abdomen slightly bigger than average which is common with GD.... But my fluid levels have increased, baby has now managed to wriggle from heads down to transverse with a prolapsed cord :(

What does prolapsed cord mean? Is everything ok?
I have been told the same at my 28 week scan, I seemed to get a huge bump over night I was sure baby had gotten huge and that was the reason why, but no baby was measuring perfect just under 2 pounds but to much fluid. I do have GD and have been on insulin since 11 weeks but my excess fluid is unrelated to that! on all my other babies were I have had GD I have never had a problem with fluid levels around baby.

my consultant said it is not something he would worry about now but after my next scan if things are still the same then he would be monitoring more closely then.

my understanding is, the excess fluid wont harm the baby, they do check to make sure baby kidneys are ok and mostly they are, it can be caused by GD but generally when that happens baby is larger for dates as well, or you can notice it when you first find out you have GD as it can happen if sugars are a little high for a while, normally if found they check for GD as it can be a sign

what excess fluid can mean if you are close to your due date the risk of early ruptures of membranes is higher, thus depending on babies position a high risk of cord prolapse, it can cause preterm labour if fluid levels build up to much, but for most people they just watch closely and in some cases induce at 39 weeks if needed.

I will likely be induced anyway so I guess if fluid is still high at next scan I for sure will ! I was kinda hoping that I get a chance to go in to labour my self but what will be will be :flower:
I had polyhydramnios with my last pregnancy and his cord prolapsed when my water broke at 4cm. It was extremely traumatizing and I had to be put to sleep for a csection to save his life. He's 13 months old now and is developmentally delayed, possibly with cerebral palsy, as his head was crushing the cord with every contraction for 4 hours and his heartrate kept dipping to the 50's. I have a blog set up with the whole experience typed out.

I'm glad that your OB is on top of things for the safety and health of your baby. My midwives were not and refused ultrasounds from the time they noticed me measuring ahead, although I had been measuring right on up until that point (28 weeks. I hadn't had an ultrasound since 18 weeks). I KNEW something was wrong from 37 weeks when he kept trying to come. I went in and out of labour 10 times but the excess fluid prevented him from continuing to descend and his cord was below his head. I kept telling them it was a cord issue, and they refused to order an ultrasound to look into it.

I almost lost my son because of it. I am now with the same OB who did the emergency csection for this pregnancy and she's on top of everything so far. Hopefully everything turns out okay for you and your baby. I wouldn't wish that trauma on anyone.
I leant I have this last week... Went for my growth scan (I have GD) baby measuring fine, abdomen slightly bigger than average which is common with GD.... But my fluid levels have increased, baby has now managed to wriggle from heads down to transverse with a prolapsed cord :(

What does prolapsed cord mean? Is everything ok?

It's where the baby's cord falls below his head/body. There is a high risk of the baby dying if he's delivered vaginally with a prolapsed cord. It's considered an obstetrical emergency and requires a csection to safely deliver the baby. If baby comes vaginally, he'll crush the cord and cut off his oxygen supply. I almost lost my son to this a little over a year ago.
Hello I had excess fluid with my last but didn't know until they broke my waters..... The midwife said she had never seen that much! But baby was fine xxxx
They talked to me about prolapsed cord and explained what to do if it happened. They are monitoring with non stress tests and ultrasounds. Sounds like my excess fluid is not a huge amount, just the upper end of normal.
I had an appointment in the hospital yesterday, my diabetic doctors is concerned over excess fluid I was a little shocked by that! I assumed from reading that excess fluid in GD is more so when it is uncontrolled or newly diagnosed not when GD is well controlled as mine is. but he said even though I am very well controlled baby is still being effected and responding to that:nope: felt really bad over that

so now its just keep to the diet and insulin and hope by 33 weeks fluid levels are back to normal ranges but mostly baby is ok

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