Hey everyone. My DD is 3 months old and has always been very very wriggly. I've never really been around babies much before so just assumed it was normal but now that we've started going to classes I've noticed no other babies seem to wriggle like she does. She is constantly flailing her arms and kicking her legs when laying down. If I'm holding her she'll kick out her legs, arch her back, twist and turn. It's so difficult to hold her! There doesn't seem to be a waking moment she just lays still. She just seems so uncomfortable all the time. It makes it really hard to feed her. I switched from breastfeeding to bottle feeding because I just couldn't hold her still to feed but I'm having the same problem whilst bottle feeding. It's becoming so frustrating.
Is this something she'll eventually grow out of or is there something specific causing this?
Is this something she'll eventually grow out of or is there something specific causing this?