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fasting blood sugar high - gestational diabetes


Mummy To Olivia
Sep 16, 2008
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Because of my extremely raised bmi (58.7 last time I weighed myself) I was referred to the diabetic nurse and she wanted me to monitor my blood sugars during the day. Waking and then 1 hour after every meal.

Through controlling my diet after an appointment with the dietician last friday I've been able to get my readings after meals under control and within a normal range. It's just the fasting ones. I'm averaging 5.4-5.6 and they want me at either 5.3 or lower.

So I called the dietician today and she has advised me to try a walk tonight after my evening meal and to stick with the snack I had last night (ryvita, dairylea light triangles and some ham). But I was wondering if there's anything else I can try to help things a bit?

But, the nurse says I have until monday to try and get the fasting numbers under control and then she will be writing me a prescription for metformin. I really feel like this isn't a lot of time at all to get them under control :nope:
The only way to tame the diabetes beast is to cut carbs drastically. Do it slowly so your body can adjust. Have you heard of a low carb high fat diet? Also called a ketogenic diet? It is really good for losing weight as well as getting blood sugar under control. Try to work your way down to 70 carbs a day then see if you can eat even less. It's difficult in the beginning, but so worth it. It's easiest to do if you cut out grains (wheat, corn, oats, barley,etc... and refined sugar). There are plenty of low carb recipes to replace these foods if you google them and have the time to make them. Eggs, meat, non-starchy vegetables and nuts should make up the majority of what you eat. Exercise is also great. Good luck!
Emmy, if you're on FB, have a look for the gestational diabetes uk mums group. It was a lifesaver for me in the beginning of your GD journey. Please don't drastically cut down your carbs as you & baby both need them. Your MWs will be checking your urine for ketones, which will show up if you don't eat enough carbs or drink enough water & that's really not good.

The group I've suggested can best recommend snacks for the evenings, but if you can't get your fasting numbers under control then the best option may be to take medication. It's not a failure on your part, it's 100% controlled by your placenta & hormones. You're still early in your pregnancy & unfortunately, it does tend to get worse as you progress, just because your body pumps out more hormones. This means that even though you might be med free right now, there's a good chance you might end up on them in the future. Again, this is not your fault. It's those pesky hormones!!

I really hope you look the group up. They have so much valuable information on there xx
Please do your research and do what you feel is best for you and baby ;) not everyone feels that you can't do a low carb diet and you shouldn't be made to feel a certain way if you'd rather take that approach, I've been controlling it that way and me and baby couldn't be healthier! My midwives are impressed with how well my numbers have been along with my lack of weight gain (not that weight gain is bad but some every woman's body is different and of course one of the big concerns with GD is that you can pile on weight/so can baby if you're not careful) there are quite a few women on b&b that follow the low carb high fat high protein diet ;) oh and I was diagnosed rather early too ;) they suspected I had it right around 11 weeks as well. Good luck to you!
I'm not saying don't do low carb, I'm saying don't drastically cut carbs. I've been following a low carb, high fat & protein diet.. But I've still eaten carbs. All carbs I've eaten have been paired with plenty of protein, fats and/vegetables to help me to tolerate them better. You don't want to go into ketosis while pregnant, that won't be any better for baby than GD!
I've sent the diabetic nurse an e-mail this morning asking to go on medication as it does worry me that even with better snacks at night I'm still slightly higher than what they're looking for. I've asked her if it's possible to start off on a low dose as all of my other readings are fine and take it from there, so I guess I now wait and see what she says.

I'm still eating carbs as the diabetic dietician says that I still need them and I do find that my levels are pretty good after a balanced meal with them in (apart from breakfast as I can't seem to handle them in the morning). And she doesn't want me cutting any as she seems to be worried about me potentially starving myself to lose weight while pregnant, which I tried to reassure her that I wouldn't even contemplate as I turn into a miserable cow when I'm hungry :rofl:
If you eat a diet full of vegetables, meat, cheese, eggs, berries, nuts, seeds you'll be getting plenty of calories and nutrients. You can get carbs from veggies and protein turns into glucose as well. You won't starve. The best advice I can give is to eat to your meter. Test as much as you can to see how different foods affect you. Our culture is so wrapped up in bread, pasta, crackers, rice, cereal and sugar because it's cheap and easy to get hooked on it. There is nothing in those foods that you can't get from other sources.
I'm in the same boat, basically. If I don't eat any carbs, I lose weight. Which my doctor hates considering I'm already low-normal weight. But if I eat even half the carbs allotted for in my meal plan (and yes, I'm eating lots and lots of protein as well) my sugars are higher than they should be. There's nothing wrong with having to go on medication. Last pregnancy, I ended up having to go on 2.5 mg glyburide once a day. My son was born 7 lbs 1 oz and healthy as can be. No issues whatsoever with his blood sugar or anything. It can be managed, but some of us need some help from medications.
I had gd in all of my pregnancies and my target was fasting under 6. I had hba1c bloods done and they were good - I'd be reluctant to go on medication without giving it longer?
I had gd in all of my pregnancies and my target was fasting under 6. I had hba1c bloods done and they were good - I'd be reluctant to go on medication without giving it longer?

The diabetic nurse unfortunately won't let it go any longer as she wants to get it under control now :nope: It's crazy how much of a difference there is in the target ranges that different health boards have :nope:
Maybe look at the WHO guidance on bg levels in pregnancy or some of the major studies.

Stress, illness, not eating enough etc can all elevate your fasting level.

In my 3rd pregnancy it was the lactose in milk messing my fasting levels up.

I had hba1c of 5% but pretty much always a fasting of between 5 and 6.

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