I'm doing a "real" food thing at the moment with no added sugar at all (only on day 2 and I fear it's going to get much harder very soon!).
Anyway, here's what I've been having:
Breakfast: 2 tomatoes & 5 mushrooms oven baked at 220 for 10 min with some herbs (balsamic would be good if you like that).
Snack: 30g walnuts + carrot sticks
Lunch: minestrone soup (chickpeas instead of any grains)
Arvo tea: 1 punnet berries (I still need "sugar" of some description in the arvo)
Dinner: Poached chicken salad last night, tonight salmon + steamed greens
I have to say that I was also prepared to have a punnet of berries after dinner last night but the salad was HUGE (just 125g chicken plus heaps of spinach, some avocado, tomato, cucumber) so I didn't snack on anything after that.
I also like to snack on:
1/2 an avocado with small tin of tuna and a little salt
Veggie sticks and guacamole (I can't do hummus)
Cheese sticks (which I pinch off my kids ;p)
For sweeter treats I make zucchini or sweet potato bread but I do have to portion and freeze these otherwise I tend to overindulge!