I have 5 month old b/g twins, 6 wks early so 3.5 months corrected. I am still struggling with feeding which is very frustrating and getting me down. Both are bottle fed, they did have expressed BM upto about 12 weeks but then my supply dropped drastically and I found it very draining particularly as I also have an older 4 year old son to care for.
At the moment I try to feed them both in bouncy chairs at the same time with limited success. Boy twin Jacob is reasonably fast to begin with (takes 3-5 ounces in 10-15 mins) but then gets bored/starts screaming/fussing and it can take upto 40 mins to get him to finish his bottle (7-8 ounces). Girl twin Sophia is extremely slow/disinterested in feeding and takes upto 1 hour 30 mins to take 4-5 ounces, mostly I feed Jacob first and then hold Sophia in my arms to feed as she does not seem to like bouncy chair and then she will fuss, pull away etc. but eventually when sleepy will take her milk very slowly. All of this behaviour means that it is taking me around 2 hours for each feed which seems very long considering their age when I had expected things to improve. I normally persist in feeding them for a 2 hour limit as their weights are not great (Jacob 13.5 lb, Sophia 10.5 lb) but am wondering where I am going wrong when I hear of other babies downing their milk in 10-20 mins flat.
Of course this also means that a lot of the day is taken up in feeding which is fine but does mean that we are very limited in being able to go out, do other activities. I am also dreading weaning as I have no idea how I will be able to fit in milk feeds and solids when milk alone is taking so long. Any advice/experience is welcome.
At the moment I try to feed them both in bouncy chairs at the same time with limited success. Boy twin Jacob is reasonably fast to begin with (takes 3-5 ounces in 10-15 mins) but then gets bored/starts screaming/fussing and it can take upto 40 mins to get him to finish his bottle (7-8 ounces). Girl twin Sophia is extremely slow/disinterested in feeding and takes upto 1 hour 30 mins to take 4-5 ounces, mostly I feed Jacob first and then hold Sophia in my arms to feed as she does not seem to like bouncy chair and then she will fuss, pull away etc. but eventually when sleepy will take her milk very slowly. All of this behaviour means that it is taking me around 2 hours for each feed which seems very long considering their age when I had expected things to improve. I normally persist in feeding them for a 2 hour limit as their weights are not great (Jacob 13.5 lb, Sophia 10.5 lb) but am wondering where I am going wrong when I hear of other babies downing their milk in 10-20 mins flat.
Of course this also means that a lot of the day is taken up in feeding which is fine but does mean that we are very limited in being able to go out, do other activities. I am also dreading weaning as I have no idea how I will be able to fit in milk feeds and solids when milk alone is taking so long. Any advice/experience is welcome.