Feeding Time From Hell


Sep 1, 2006
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omg what a nightmare ive just had feeding jessica, shes normally good but today shes being mischievious. every time i went to put the spoon near her mouth she would grab the spoon and shake it so all the food would go everywhere, in the end i gave her a spoon so she could help her self but no she then wanted both spoons. is there anyone that could help me to prevent this happening again?
We all have bad days and the same goes for babies. I'd put it down to a bad day and hope for the time being it was a once off! :)
Give her a spoon for each hand :D and then feed her with a third. try to keep her hands occupied so she dosent try to grab the other spoon :D
Tootsie said:
Give her a spoon for each hand :D and then feed her with a third. try to keep her hands occupied so she dosent try to grab the other spoon :D

oooh good thinking i will try that one next time lex is spitting food and throwing it around thanks :):)
thank you for that advice i will try that nxt time its just so fustrating with her though but im patient with her xx
chloe refuses 2 let me feed her!!!! i have 2 let her do it herself!!!! not very fun with yoghurt!!!!
Ohh Yvanne, my little'un was like that, VERY independant. From the mintue she could pick food up, she also wanted to use her spoon, she would cry her heart out if I tried to feed her :lol:
lol chloe dont believe in the spoon :roll: have 2 say it is handy though and she does manage very well!!!
Awwwww bless her :lol:
Sounds like your little one is just like Tam!!!

She gets more food down her than in her mouth!!!!

and here she is at Feeding time!!!


That is gross, and NOT me!!!!


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