does anyone know why you should not use fmu when doing a opk? I only ask because I have been using Tesco opks since Monday (think i am due to ov eithet thurs fri or sat this week!!) Anyway when I took the test on Monday I got up had a we at around 8am then at around 8.45am had another wee this is when I tested! The test line came back quite dark but not quite a + so I thought well my surge is obviously building up! Anyway yesterday I tested at 10 am and 4 pm both had very light lines so I tought oh well maybe I have missed my surge! Then this morning I tested again like i did monday morning (second wee at half eight!!) and came back quite a dark line just tested again now at 11 am with a tesco test and an ic test and again a very light line like yesterday! confused! why is it they say not to use fmu is it because you can get a false + or do you think I had my surge this morning and now it has gone? although if that was the case I would expect the lines to be a little darker then they are!?
Please help!! I hope it means I have not yet ov'd as I cant dtd till Friday
Would appriciate any help thanks!!
Please help!! I hope it means I have not yet ov'd as I cant dtd till Friday
Would appriciate any help thanks!!