My first was frank breech.
Normal pregnancy, don't recall the position at the 20w scan, but I didn't have another one after that. I remember asking the cnm at one point (maybe around 36 weeks?) if baby was breech or head down, and after palpitating, she said he was head down. I asked the question because my SIL had been pregnant at the same time, she had her baby two months before me, and she had complained non-stop about tiny little feet digging up under her ribs, and I never had that. Instead, I had a big bulge. The midwife said it was the baby's bottom.
At my 41w appt, she gave me the option of doing an u/s the next day and going from there, or just scheduling an induction to be done 5 days from then, if I hadn't gone into labor yet. I chose the induction. At my hospital, they have you check in late in the evening and get settled in, and then they place a medicated patch on your cervix. You sleep with it in, I guess sometimes it's enough to kickstart labor if you're already close, and then in the early morning, like 6/7 am, they hook up the Pitocin and get started. Part of the 'settling in' is being hooked up to a fetal heart monitor and while the nurse was placing that, she was talking about how it was hard to get it lined up right and wondered if perhaps he was face up instead of face down (face down is normal labor position, and it puts their back against your belly so the hb is easier to get) and I mentioned wondering if he was breech.
She thought we'd better double-check and wheeled in the portable u/s machine. After a moment, she went ahead and paged the OB on call, who was my own OB. And yep, frank breech and face up, tipped kind of sideways. The big bulge under my right rib was his head and his feet were up directly at the top center, knees were locked, and there was almost no fluid left. After reviewing it, the OB said that there was a really small chance that an EV would work at all, because of the little amount of fluid, and it was too bad of a position to go ahead with the induction (my OB will deliver breech babies, but not frank breech. Not sure about footling.).
We went ahead and scheduled a cesarean for the next morning (as it was I think about 11 pm at that point) and I stayed the night since I had already signed in.
My next baby was in normal position, and I wanted a vbac, but they have a rule that you can't go more than a week past due so I had another cesarean at 41w1d. This one will be another rcs unless I go into labor early and everything goes perfectly.
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