For those who got induced: Is induction unbearable?? what do I expect?


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2012
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Im currently close to 42 weeks and have an induction booked in for thursday. Ive been losing tons of mucus plug and am currently 1-2cm dilated however baby is being stubborn. I had a choice between elective c-section and induction and although Im very scared of induction, I decided to go for it. How can I prepare myself ive already got a severe anxiety issue but because c-section is more invasive, I decided induction would be a better idea. Is it very bad and unbearable? My surroundings have been telling me how bad it is and its not making me feel anymore comfortable about it.
My first was an induction and my second was a c section so I can compare! Either way you will be fine. I know it's easy to say, but honestly you will cope.
So, induction, I had 2 sweeps and then cervadil pessary and then iv pitocin. I did contract pretty fast and furious and at the time thought it was the end of the world but the second the baby was out it stopped! I felt great, went home the next morning and went to the supermarket on the way home!
C section, clearly totally different, walked into theatre, lay down, pain came on very gradually as the spinal wore off, but still walked out the hospital the next day. Harder was the no driving and being stuck in the house.
But both are totally manageable and the pain isn't what you remember. I'm certain there is something amnesic in the hormones!
Very very best of luck. You CAN do it!
I was induced with Ds #2. Pitocin and water broken only. Went naturally with ds#1, to compare contraction weren't that much different. I did get epi but it was turned off as it slowed contractions. Labor typically comes on faster and harder with induction but not too bad. .
induction won't work well if your body is not ready but it sounds like you are so best of luck. All will be fine, just focus on that lo.
I had one pessary only as I think I just needed a wee push to get started as I was 40+13. I too was really worried about having unbearable contractions but once they got going it was almost identical to the labour I had with my daughter which started itself. All totally manageable and I only had gas and air for the last 20 mins.
Good luck. I'm sure you will do great xx
I have 2 experiences, both extreme opposites also.....
I'm thinking since you are already dilated that means your body is working on its own somewhat already which puts you for a great candidate for an easy induction :)
My 1st I was 0dilates and only 30effaced..... 25hr labor, 3hr pushing, had to pull him with forceps ..... And also had to turn off all drugs 6 hrs before I had him because his heart was dropping .... Just ugly all around !
My 2nd I was already dilated to a 3.5, had him 4 hrs after being induced and pushed 3 times (maybe 10 min ) !!! No prob with epidural and everything went easy breezy !!
Wishing u best of luck for a smooth safe delivery :)
Im just freaking out that I wont be able to manage it. OB said they will start will cervidil and if nothings progressing, will start pitocin. I just really hope my lo decides to come before my scheduled induction. Its hard to be a FTM and not know what to expect. Hopefully I can manage it fine :)
Im just freaking out that I wont be able to manage it. OB said they will start will cervidil and if nothings progressing, will start pitocin. I just really hope my lo decides to come before my scheduled induction. Its hard to be a FTM and not know what to expect. Hopefully I can manage it fine :)

I was induced with my daughter (2nd) and I didn't even feel strong contractions until 7-8 cm dilated. She came in about 6 hours and it was an awesome experience. People probably think I'm crazy but I love giving birth, I feel like it's just an amazing experience and the pain is just pain. It's there for a while, then gone and you have the best gift.

I went into natural labor with my son, but was given pitocin. He was born in about 8 hours and about 10 mins of pushing. My DD was about 5 pushes. Both experiences were awesome and I loved both. I want 3 kids and have no fears about the labor. I try to enjoy every second and I definitely will with my 3rd (and last) baby.
I was induced with DD. 3 failed sweeps so had 48 hours of pessaries. That plus 7 flights of stairs and a Starbucks and my waters went naturally in the hospital. It really wasn't bad, just boring and managed to 7cm in labour ward before being moved to delivery where I moved on to G&A. Very straight forward experience.
it really depends. I've heard of women having wonderful induction experiences and others having horrible ones.

I wouldn't necessarily say mine was horrible. It was just very unpleasant. I was induced at 41 weeks with DS1. I was already 4cm dilated when I went in, and wasn't feeling any contractions. Once they broke my waters, that's when I started to feel contractions. They weren't too bad, but once they put me on the pitocin, made contractions horrible. Very strong and not alot of rest time inbetween. Overall the labor and delivery was very quick for me, induced at 12:30pm, had him at 6:15pm same day. The only thing I would have done differently would have been to ask them to not do pitocin until I wasn't progressing. I'm sure if they had just broken my water I would have labored well on my own.

I wish you the best with your induction.
I had a drug-free labour with Pitocin for my first, to help speed things up. After the Pitocin, the contractions were really quick and intense- pretty painful yes, but on the upside things progressed very quickly after that, and DD was out in 3 pushes on the delivery table.
My induction experience was a little harrowing, but not in anyway I would call bad, and I would certainly do it again if I needed to.

I went in the night before (around 6pm) and had cervidil administered. I went into "back labor" within a couple hours after that. They weren't "real" contractions, but they HURT--all night long. The next morning, my midwife broke my waters (painful!) and then started the pictocin through an IV. Immediately after that the "real" contractions started nice and hard. After a night of pain in my back, combined with the contractions, I asked for the epidural.

The epidural was amazing and made everything go smoothly after that. My little boy was born by 6:26 that same evening.

The only thing I would do differently? Not let them give me any phenegrin (sp?). I was throwing up from the pain, and they gave that to me to make me stop throwing up--it made me sleepy, so I slept through most of the delivery up to the pushing part. :( Would have loved to be more alert and aware of my family around me.
I was induced with DD. I was 2-3 cm when I got to the hospital, but no contractions that I could feel (when they hooked me up to monitors, they said I was having some). They started Pitocin at 2am, contractions were minimal, like mild period cramps. At 7:30am, I was 5cm and dr broke my water. Contractions were stronger then so I decided to get an epidural. I could still feel the contractions like pressure, but they didn't hurt. Pushed for 20-30 minutes, DD born at 1:07pm. 11 hours from the time they started the Pitocin. It was pretty smooth for me.

I think it's good that you're already dilating. It means your body is getting ready. GL!
With dd I went in at night at 2cm she was fully engaged I believe. Had one vaginal tablet at midnight and was removed at 6 or 7. By then I was 3cm with bulging waters. Ob broke my waters and I went into active labor immediately at 7.30. At 11 I was already 7cm and asked for epidural, was given epi at around noon and soon after that I was fully dilated, dd was born at 1.30 ish. My experience was smooth I loved it!

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