Gallbladder Removal


Slightly Crunchy
Dec 1, 2010
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Hey Ladies :flower:

So after a gazzillion attacks, being hospitalized more times than I care to think and recurring infections, I am FINALLY having my gallbladder removed.

Can anyone here who's had this surgery tell me what to expect after in recovery? I've read all the leaflets sent to me but they don't really say how you'll feel or even a decent idea on timescale before returning to work.

I also haven't found much about how anyone copes diet wise without their gallbladder.... only horror stories.

Thanks :hugs:
Hi, I had my gallbladder removed 2 years ago, after 2 years of having gallstones!

The operation usually takes about 45 minutes, mine took 2 and a half hours though, as he couldn't get to my gallbladder the way he went so had to re route!!

I woke up in the recovery room, being sick!! Was just bile though as you'll be nil by mouth. I had plenty of morphine in the recovery room.

Went back up to my bed, was difficult getting into bed from the trolley as I was so sore!

Felt really drowsy, but was aware of what was going on, had some toast and jam and a cup of tea straight away :) then needed more pain relief, I'd had the maximum morphine so got given another tablet, can't remember the name but it was brill!!

The stupid nurse wouldn't help me get in my pj's she said I needed to try and do it myself, really was difficult as you don't dare move.

I had 5 holes, think most people get 3 though.

I went home the next day after tea, was back at work in 4 weeks.

Hope that helps and good luck xxxxxx
Thank you for your reply :flower:

I was told about 2 weeks off work but my job is very physical so I'm a little worried to say the least.

How's your diet now? Did you have to change it? xxx
No, still eat the same, not had any problems x
Hi hun, i had to have mine removed at 17 weeks pregnant with twins (this pregnancy) due to pancreatitis, i was very poorly.

the surgery should take less than an hour, mine took 4 hours, they managed to do it lap though thankfully, i had to have a wash out too due to the pancreatitis.

I woke up in NO PAIN at all, was tired, just wanted to sleep but Oh had come for visiting so stayed awake, was sick a few times, just bile, so didnt drink for awhile after that, no pain all night.

I didnt take ANY pain meds at all because i was pregnant, i didnt even take paracetamol. anyway, next morning early i left, i was fine hun, no problems, i was sore, like i couldnt bend that well but it was just the wounds were a little sore really. but it didnt stop me doing anything, on a scale of 0 - 10 pain was less than a 2.

Anyway, my stitches were really sore and horrible coming out but that was because my twin pregnancy bump was rapidly expanding and pulled on them. i had to have several ultrasounds as i was bleeding (before the op) and obviously having had surgery in pregnancy isnt normal, they were sore as they had to press on my scars but it was fine.

Since, no attacks, no problems with diet, its wonderful.

A friend had the op a week before me and she went on about how much pain she was in, but honestly for me it was very mimimal, at most i would say it was sore.
Oh gosh hun - glad to hear you're OK now.

You're not the first person to say about being sick after. I'm terrified of being sick :wacko:
I wasn't sick afterwards :) I had my gallbladder out in February 2008. When I woke up in recovery, I was shaking a bit, but was given something to counteract that and was fine thereafter. By the next day I was only taking paracetomol. I had staples rather than stitches, all of which came out with no pain at all.

Have you had a general anaesthetic before and been sick? If it's something that really concerns you, then talk to the anaesthetist before the operation. They may be able to counter that :)
Hey Ladies :flower:

So after a gazzillion attacks, being hospitalized more times than I care to think and recurring infections, I am FINALLY having my gallbladder removed.

Can anyone here who's had this surgery tell me what to expect after in recovery? I've read all the leaflets sent to me but they don't really say how you'll feel or even a decent idea on timescale before returning to work.

I also haven't found much about how anyone copes diet wise without their gallbladder.... only horror stories.

Thanks :hugs:

I'm having mine removed on the 28th October, but since first being put on the surgeon's waiting list i have googled.....BIG MISTAKE! If you are googling - STOP! The majority of peoples experiences that appear on search engines are usually bad. I figure the reason for this is because if people aren't complaining their outcomes must be good ones.

I have at least one attack a week, and they seem to be triggered by anything, from something i might have eaten to how hot or humid it is. Before i knew that i had gallstones, one time the pain was so bad i thought i was having a heart attack, which then gave me a panic attack because i thought i was going to die and not see my little man grow up. I'm currently on omeprazole, take 3 diclofencac a day (which you have to stop taking 7 days before surgery) and i take one co-codomol tablet as soon as i feel an attack starting to try and ease the pain, but when they some on suddenly i have to take two and then i'm out for the count. Will be glad to finally have this thing out and hopefully i get my life back to normal and enjoy going out and about with my hubby and LO, as at the moment i'm too frightened to go out on my own for long, because getting an attack in the middle of tesco's, and having to call out my dad to come get me and take me home (like last thursday) ain't no fun!
i do tend to be sick after a general or pain meds, plus i was pregnant which wouldnt have helped, but it wasnt like i was mega sick, just twice, bile type stuff and then felt fine.
Cheers girls. I've had GA before and been fine so fingers crossed :haha:
Woooooo! I have a date for my surgery! 5th December :happydance:
Pre-op next week. I am so excited about finally getting this all sorted.
I had mine out almost 3 years ago and i work with people having lap choles out on a daily basis. its not the surgery that makes you sick its the anathetic but this doesnt happen to everyone. i wasnt sick but then i did ask the anethitist to give me lots of antiemetics.
you will feel quite sore at first but if you take the painkillers regualy its really not that bad. the hardest part for me was getting out of bed and bending over to put shoes/socks/trousers on.
I do quite a phisical job too and had 3 weeks off work, but after 1 week i felt much better and was able to do most things, just not quite ready for work.
Hi there,
I had my gallbladder removed 4 weeks ago. The surgery itself was fine... I was in at 9am and out of hospital at 3pm. I had no real problems with the GA and the staff were pretty amazed by how quickly I came round. I was very surprised by how small the incisions were. The worst part with the GA for me was the fact that I got a really dry mouth. I was starving and they encourage you to eat toast before you leave but I had no saliva and kept choking on my toast. I ended up having to swallow it with water... lol!
Next day I felt fine, just a little bit sore, and got bad neck/shoulder aches when I stood up (due to the gas they use to inflate your tummy).

HOWEVER: I was back in hospital 5 days after my op due to severe abdominal pains (see my thread).... it turns out that the attacks of pain I was having may not have been due to my gallbladder and I may have had my gallbladder removed for no reason. :(

Good luck for your surgery hun.

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