birth story.. 
i was due to be induced on the thursday, but my waters broke at 3am on the wednesday, never known anything like it! i felt like id wee'd myself
waited for 3 hours and i started having little contractions, went to the hospital at 7am and i was put on a heartmonitor, every time i was having a contraction, babys heartbeat slowed down. i started getting really worried! they put me on a drip at 1, and my contractions started getting more intense.. i asked for gas and air, (i felt dizzy as soon as i had it, and i was laughing an awful lot) 
then found out that my baby was back to back with me, which ment i was going to have a more painful birth! she'd been back to back with me all through the pregnancy but they failed to mention this!
they had to put a clip on babys head as they couldnt find the heartbeat... loads of doctors came rushing in, and i didnt know this at the time because i was so out of it, that if i didnt get her out within 15 minutes they would of had to of got her out asap... she was delivered at 4:07pm, they put her onto me, and i cannot belive how tiny she was! weighing 6lbs 12oz.. afterwards i had a 1st degree tear, i wanted to cover myself up there was so many doctors there!! 
ive never felt anything like it, but i would do it again! she was so worth it!

i was due to be induced on the thursday, but my waters broke at 3am on the wednesday, never known anything like it! i felt like id wee'd myself