Got my results today


Mum to 3 and 1 Angel
Sep 9, 2011
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Hiya ladies :flower:

I finally had my follow up appointment, over 10 weeks later...! Results show infection indicators were up on the day but the placenta came back with no infection, no chromosomal abnormalities, normal growth, etc. Swabs were all clear so no BV. Basically it was just one of those things. Consultant said that although it seems frustrating for us not to have a clear cause for the waters breaking, from their point of view this is better, because it means it is unlikely to happen again.

She talked about a clear plan of action for any future pregnancies, mapping out timeframes, especially given my kidney condition, and it all looked very hopeful and positive, given my latest kidney results, and all the monitoring I would be getting next time around, including swabs, scans and very close monitoring right through.

I feel a lot more at peace, and thankfully so does my OH. He is much more open to the idea of trying again now we have some idea of future plans and likelihood of this recurring, as well as a clear care plan with my kidney condition. All those things were a big worry for him, both while I was pregnant, after our loss, and with a view to trying again, so he was very reluctant before. It was very helpful for him to hear all this positivity from a professional who has dealt with patients like me before and isn't telling us we are crazy to even consider it! I think we are both finally on the same page again - dealing with our loss together, and clear on our future options, whatever we may decide to do.

I can't tell you how much better I feel today.
Sorry for your loss.

Nice to hear that the doctors don't think it will happen again and your OH is considering trying again. My husband looked at me like I grew a new head when I told him I wanted to try again after my loss.
I'm so glad that you can finally breathe a little easier now. I know how good it feels to be on the same page with OH. I also felt a lot better after my follow up appointment with my ob/gyn, in a way, it was one more step to closure for me. Knowing what you need to do from this point on is a great feeling!
Oh Helen!!! :hugs: I am so excited, and relieved for you... Yay! Answers!! And they wasn't bad ones... :hugs: It's amazing what having some answers and having your doctor sit down and talk with you does... It does wonders! :flower: More than anything, I am so glad to hear kidneys are behaving themselves AND that your and your OH is on the same page :thumbup: :kiss: This has truly made MY day! :happydance: You sound so well dear .... Yippee! :hugs:
Oh Helen I can't tell you how happy I am to hear you sounding more positive.
It is rubbish not knowing what caused it (same for my loss) but at the same time it hopefully means its unlikely to happen again.
It's wonderful you and hubby are on the same page about your future, I have been so worried about you the last couple of weeks.

Helen I'm soooo pleased to hear you sounding positive again, think we've all been worried about you.
Sorry you couldn't get an answer for your loss but it's good that there isn't a problem and it's unlikely to happen again. It's the same for me.
I'm also made up to hear that your OH is coming back round to the idea of trying again. You deserve your rainbow so much when the time is right for you both.
:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I am SO very happy to hear your news!! When the time is right your rainbow will be here with all of ours. I am so excited for you my friend..:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Oh Helen I'm so relieved to hear that! I too was worried about you. I'm so glad you're on the same page now, it must have been fear holding your OH back right enough, mine was exactly the same. I know having no real answers is hard but hearing the plan of care for next time really does help, I felt the same. I had read all these stories of doctors refusing to do anything until you've suffered two or more midtrimester losses so went in prepared to fight and didn't have to, it was great. I'm so glad you didn't have to fight for your care either - it's so good they are taking it seriously. I'm so happy to hear you sounding better!

As for the infection markers, I was told that they can also be elevated by the actual event - your waters breaking - and also by labouring, so that may be the reason for them on the day. Not that that clears anything up but thought I'd mention it anyway.

I'm just so pleased for you. xxx
Thanks. I've been pretty worried about me too. It's just felt like I have been sinking, that's all I can describe it as. I'm seeing a counsellor tomorrow which may help. This appointment today has just given me a little light at the end of the tunnel, but I am nowhere near out of it yet. But the hope is back, and I am clinging to it. I just can't get over how hard this has hit me again - it feels like I never even scratched the surface at the time. I just want my little baby back so so much.

Thank you all so much as ever for your support. It means such a lot to me. :hugs:
Hope will get you through your darkest days - don't ever let it go :hugs: :hugs:
We didn't get an answer either but it's comforting to read that they told you this means the chances of it happening again are rare. I really hope so, 5 weeks to go for me and I'm starting to feel panicky. Was Ok the last few weeks:cry:

All the best for the future hun xxx
Helen I am so happy you got good news at your appt. I'm sorry you didn't get answers about your loss but as the girls said it is then unlikely to happen again. Most of all I am so happy that your hubby is on for ttc and you have been given the go ahead. I can't wait to hear your news of a little rainbow in the making. :flower:
Pleased that all went ok for you. I have my follow up appointment next week and hope it turns out like yours.

love and hugs :hugs::hugs:
Pleased that all went ok for you. I have my follow up appointment next week and hope it turns out like yours.

love and hugs :hugs::hugs:

Thanks - let us know how you get on. It was very helpful to us just to have a bit of closure to be able to start to move on. It's a small step, but it was really very significant x
I will let you know how it goes. Did you go on your own?

(OH is working away)
I will let you know how it goes. Did you go on your own?

(OH is working away)

No, I went with OH. I am glad I did, because it really helped him come to terms with everything that happened, and also look to the future. Like most men, he's very logical and practical and was pretty against trying again, but the follow up appointment was a real breakthrough in that respect for him. I found it very helpful too.

Hope yours goes well xxx

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