Mama to Graci
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I was having a pretty easy pregnancy until 27 weeks when I was diagnosed with GD. That turned out to be fine and I was able to control it with diet and exercise. Around 35 weeks I started getting high bp readings. This was kind of scary because my bp has always been low. At 35+5 I had to go to triage for abdominal pain and headaches. My bp was the highest it's ever been and I had protein in my urine. They took bloods but the Dr came in and told me to prepare to have a baby. I was admitted into L&D and hooked up to an IV. The bloods came back normal! So they transferrred me to antepartum and I did a 24 hour urine. The result was mild pre-eclampsia (surprise, surprise) so I was put on bed rest, extra monitorong and sent home. Bed rest sucked! I could no longer exercise so I was worried about controlling my GD and of course my numbers started climbing.
We set an induction date for May 15th (38+6). We were going to induce earlier than that but my bed rest had treated me well and my bp was in line for the 2 and a half weeks.
Now here is where it gets crazy
May 6th: regular NST appointment, BP is measuring high and spilling protein. They ask me to come back the following day for another reading.
May 7th: BP still high, protein still spilling of course, bloods taken.
May 8th: Bloods came back fine nothing to worry about!
May 9th: Regular NST and weekly cervical check. BP high, spilling protein, they have me wait in the office for 3 hours while we wait on blood results. Results are that bloods came back fine and I get sent home! (sigh)
May 9th evening: 8:00 - Period like pains (which I have been getting for weeks) but more regular along with loose stools, bloody show and nausea. I call the Dr and she sends a prescription into the pharmacy for the nausea and says to call back if I have any other symptoms. Also let's me know at this time she had done a sweep earlier. 10:30 - Medication didn't do anything and I now have a headache which isn't fixed by Tylenol. Call Dr and she has me go into triage.
Arrive at triage about 11:30 and get hooked up to the monitor. Baby is doing great as always but my bp was the highest it has ever been and it was confirmed that my "period pains" were contractions and I was in active labor at 3.5 cm dilated 70% effaced. The weird thing about the "contractions" are everyone says "Oh you will know when you're having them" Well I call BS on that! Not only was I feeling less than half the contractions I was actually having but the ones I were feeling weren't accompanied by any tightenings of my belly and didn't really hurt more than a mild period cramp. I was admitted into l&d and started on pitocin to speed up the labor. An hour after pitocin I was at 4cm, 100% and I was offered an epidural any time I wanted one. Stupidly I declined for that moment! The resident that was in the hospital came to break my water but was unsuccessful. It was a very painful 2 attempts! I wish I had the epidural for that alone About half an hour later my real Dr came in and told me she was going to break my water. I trusted her a lot more! She waited for a contraction to come to do it and pop! So much fluid omg!!!! While having her hand and a sharp pointy metal thing up my hooha during a contraction was not a nice feeling I'd take it any day to the resident who tried doing it between contractions unsuccessfully. Something about the bag of water bulges during a contraction and makes it easy to break.
This is where the pain starts. Immediately, the next contractions are the ones people are referring to when they say "you'll know". They hurt like hell and had me in tears every 2 minutes! At this time I asked for the epidural and the Dr came right away and set me up. It took about 20 minutes for the epidural to work but what a relief!!!! I then slept for about 3 hours until the nurse came in to check my cervix. I had gone from 4cm-9.5cm in 3 hours! I was excited We started talking about ways to push and if oh is cutting the cord etc. They said we were going to give baby some time after I reached 10cm to decend down the birth canal and get nice and low. I thought we would have a couple hours .... then all I remember (I may have dozed off for 20 minutes) is the Dr coming in saying I'm ready to start pushing! Heh, I didn't even know I had reached 10!
5 pushes.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
They kept saying "You're doing great! That's how you do it!" but I thought they were just being nice and encouraging It didn't hurt at all and I was so quickly skin to skin with my healthy baby girl. I seriously think I had a pretty perfect birth.
After birth is a different story I'm crazy sore! but I just did my first poop (4 days later) and that felt great! I have a minor tear but I don't feel any pain from that and my bleeding is down to a light period. I expect to be sore for a couple weeks but it is so worth it to be cuddling my darling daughter.
Graci May Atwood born May 10, 2013 at 12:15 in the afternoon.
6lb 11oz, 19 1/2 inches.
We set an induction date for May 15th (38+6). We were going to induce earlier than that but my bed rest had treated me well and my bp was in line for the 2 and a half weeks.
Now here is where it gets crazy
May 6th: regular NST appointment, BP is measuring high and spilling protein. They ask me to come back the following day for another reading.
May 7th: BP still high, protein still spilling of course, bloods taken.
May 8th: Bloods came back fine nothing to worry about!
May 9th: Regular NST and weekly cervical check. BP high, spilling protein, they have me wait in the office for 3 hours while we wait on blood results. Results are that bloods came back fine and I get sent home! (sigh)
May 9th evening: 8:00 - Period like pains (which I have been getting for weeks) but more regular along with loose stools, bloody show and nausea. I call the Dr and she sends a prescription into the pharmacy for the nausea and says to call back if I have any other symptoms. Also let's me know at this time she had done a sweep earlier. 10:30 - Medication didn't do anything and I now have a headache which isn't fixed by Tylenol. Call Dr and she has me go into triage.
Arrive at triage about 11:30 and get hooked up to the monitor. Baby is doing great as always but my bp was the highest it has ever been and it was confirmed that my "period pains" were contractions and I was in active labor at 3.5 cm dilated 70% effaced. The weird thing about the "contractions" are everyone says "Oh you will know when you're having them" Well I call BS on that! Not only was I feeling less than half the contractions I was actually having but the ones I were feeling weren't accompanied by any tightenings of my belly and didn't really hurt more than a mild period cramp. I was admitted into l&d and started on pitocin to speed up the labor. An hour after pitocin I was at 4cm, 100% and I was offered an epidural any time I wanted one. Stupidly I declined for that moment! The resident that was in the hospital came to break my water but was unsuccessful. It was a very painful 2 attempts! I wish I had the epidural for that alone About half an hour later my real Dr came in and told me she was going to break my water. I trusted her a lot more! She waited for a contraction to come to do it and pop! So much fluid omg!!!! While having her hand and a sharp pointy metal thing up my hooha during a contraction was not a nice feeling I'd take it any day to the resident who tried doing it between contractions unsuccessfully. Something about the bag of water bulges during a contraction and makes it easy to break.
This is where the pain starts. Immediately, the next contractions are the ones people are referring to when they say "you'll know". They hurt like hell and had me in tears every 2 minutes! At this time I asked for the epidural and the Dr came right away and set me up. It took about 20 minutes for the epidural to work but what a relief!!!! I then slept for about 3 hours until the nurse came in to check my cervix. I had gone from 4cm-9.5cm in 3 hours! I was excited We started talking about ways to push and if oh is cutting the cord etc. They said we were going to give baby some time after I reached 10cm to decend down the birth canal and get nice and low. I thought we would have a couple hours .... then all I remember (I may have dozed off for 20 minutes) is the Dr coming in saying I'm ready to start pushing! Heh, I didn't even know I had reached 10!
5 pushes.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
They kept saying "You're doing great! That's how you do it!" but I thought they were just being nice and encouraging It didn't hurt at all and I was so quickly skin to skin with my healthy baby girl. I seriously think I had a pretty perfect birth.
After birth is a different story I'm crazy sore! but I just did my first poop (4 days later) and that felt great! I have a minor tear but I don't feel any pain from that and my bleeding is down to a light period. I expect to be sore for a couple weeks but it is so worth it to be cuddling my darling daughter.
Graci May Atwood born May 10, 2013 at 12:15 in the afternoon.
6lb 11oz, 19 1/2 inches.