I haven't been on here in a while. I'm 26 years old trying on my second child. I have a 8 year old and I've been trying for a second for over 7 years. This month has been a big headache. I was 6 days late for my cycle. I'm a normal 27 day cycle. The 6th day I was very light nothing needed the whole day and night. I'm very heavy this never happens. The next day medium with little clots. Long story short when I was suppose to come on I cramped and had symptoms that my period was coming on, but nothing happened. I have been cramping now off and on not continuously like the week I was suppose to come on. My cycle is so messed up. Today is day is day 4 and its like it is still not as heavy. Its like I'm not coming off. Really bad headaches for the last two weeks. I'm upset because I just knew this was it. Has anyone else experienced this?