With my first pregnancy last November, I only got my hcg drawn after my frer lines started getting lighter- and it was 5.7. Needless to say, it was a chemical pregnancy.
I was pregnant again in late December. At 11dpo, it was 11 and I lost hope. At 14 dpo, it had jumped up to 99, and I was thrilled. Unfortunately, a week later it was back down to 33.
Third pregnancy in Feb. I didn't even bother getting numbers checked.
This time around, at 12dpo my hcg was 93. I figured that was ok for being early. At 14dpo it was 179- I got very worried because it was taking more than 48 hours to double, and it seemed like everyone else was going up much faster. But- 2 weeks later (29dpo) I saw a teeny tiny baby with a heartbeat! (no clue what happened with my hcg numbers after that) I'm still super worried, but at least things seemed to be going normally at that point!