Hi it's been a while since I've been on here but I'm looking for some advice and people have been so nice on here before. I've always had a bit of anxiety and can usually deal with it but this week it has gone off the scale, I've had a niggley pain in my right ribs since Christmas, had my gallbladder removed 4 years ago so I knowits not that. It doesn't really hurt just aches and feels a bit crampy sometimes. It had been worrying me for a while and last weekend I spent ages googling and convinced myself it was my liver. I went to the hospital and saw a nurse because I felt so awful he seemed to think this pain is muscular and it was my anxiety making me feel so ill. On Monday I went to the Drs who gave me antidepressants because I'm feeling so down and again she said it's probably muscular take paracetamol and see how I am in a month. I'm so down and can't eat because of how worried I am I'm hungry and just can't swallow any food or even fancy it. Has anyone had this before? I would have thought of it was a pulled muscle it would hurt to move but it just randomly hurts and sometimes feels like a lump under my ribs which if I change how I sit it goes but I wonder how much of this is down to my anxiety as it doesn't hurt enough to take paracetamol and goes away with a hot water bottle