Hello everyone 
Just to introduce myself, I joined this site 5-6 years ago when trying to conceive with my son and now Im back again
I have a ten year old daughter, 4 year old son and were trying for number 3 last one!!
Im 30, hubby is 42 and I have one tube so I have just ordered a clearblue fertility monitor which helped my conceive with my son!!
I hope your all ok? literally on day 2 today of new cycle so fresh beginning

Just to introduce myself, I joined this site 5-6 years ago when trying to conceive with my son and now Im back again

I have a ten year old daughter, 4 year old son and were trying for number 3 last one!!
Im 30, hubby is 42 and I have one tube so I have just ordered a clearblue fertility monitor which helped my conceive with my son!!
I hope your all ok? literally on day 2 today of new cycle so fresh beginning