I have a baby with a suspected Cow's Milk Allergy. We'd tried 4 different brands including a soy and lactose free and it all came up each fed. I'm not a soy fan as we are not eating a vegan based diet ourselves anyhow. But I've got my little man on Goat and he's thriving. Fortunately, I qualify for a Government payment as it is $40 a tin and hasn't been funded since 2012. For me, to get formula at no cost on a prescription means a Pediatric appointment to confirm my GP's finding but that can take up to 3 months for an appointment (medical care is free in NZ) and that's 3 months where he NEEDS to be fed. Pepi-Junior is only available though the Pediatrician. So my GP made the only call he could in the situation available and filled in the paperwork required to meet the extra cost. It was hard for a few months because we had never expected a baby who could not drink cow milk. He's probably okay now but I won't chance it. He gets occasional baked goods, cheese etc but these are few and far between and it can still give him a sore belly, a red butt and massive spilling which can make for a long, exhausting night. We've been approved for funding until he's 18 so that will be what he gets. When he's old enough and earning his own money he can make his own call.