Help advice :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2010
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Hi guys,

I posted a thread here: and was advised to come and see what advice you guys had for me!
I only have ten days to go and was planning to go all out on every chemical option they could offer me but since I can't now other hints/tips/ideas would be great!
Hi guys,

I posted a thread here: and was advised to come and see what advice you guys had for me!
I only have ten days to go and was planning to go all out on every chemical option they could offer me but since I can't now other hints/tips/ideas would be great!

I read your thread, try not to worry to much. Many of us, myself included, do labour without any drugs at all.

Firstly though on the drug options, I would assume you will have the option of either Pethidine or Diamorphine. Those are the two I know of, though there could be more.. I'm not entirely sure there to be honest.

You also have the option of Gas and Air, which many women swear by, and has the added bonus of leaving your body as soon as you stop inhaling it. I believe it can make you feel a bit sick and/or 'drunk' feeling but this soon disappears if you persevere.

If you wanted to go entirely drug free, the options would be a birthing pool (it's not too late to ask to use one), a tens machine and basically positive thinking and believing you can do it :) Keeping active in labour and making use of birthing balls can do you the power of good.

During my last labour, I only used a birthing ball and I am genuinely terrible with pain usually. Keeping calm, relaxed and trusting your body overcame any painful moments I had. Visualising each contraction bringing my baby closer to my arms and getting damn angry and using that anger to push meant my son was born within 3 pushes and I laboured for less than two hours start to finish.

I would also recommend hypno birthing books and tapes, however with you being only 10 days away it may well be a little late, but they could still help you find your happy place.
Hi guys,

I posted a thread here: and was advised to come and see what advice you guys had for me!
I only have ten days to go and was planning to go all out on every chemical option they could offer me but since I can't now other hints/tips/ideas would be great!

I read your thread, try not to worry to much. Many of us, myself included, do labour without any drugs at all.

Firstly though on the drug options, I would assume you will have the option of either Pethidine or Diamorphine. Those are the two I know of, though there could be more.. I'm not entirely sure there to be honest.

You also have the option of Gas and Air, which many women swear by, and has the added bonus of leaving your body as soon as you stop inhaling it. I believe it can make you feel a bit sick and/or 'drunk' feeling but this soon disappears if you persevere.

If you wanted to go entirely drug free, the options would be a birthing pool (it's not too late to ask to use one), a tens machine and basically positive thinking and believing you can do it :) Keeping active in labour and making use of birthing balls can do you the power of good.

During my last labour, I only used a birthing ball and I am genuinely terrible with pain usually. Keeping calm, relaxed and trusting your body overcame any painful moments I had. Visualising each contraction bringing my baby closer to my arms and getting damn angry and using that anger to push meant my son was born within 3 pushes and I laboured for less than two hours start to finish.

I would also recommend hypno birthing books and tapes, however with you being only 10 days away it may well be a little late, but they could still help you find your happy place.

Thank you so much for your input
I have been considering water as an option since day one but because of not knowing what pain relief etc was available no one really discussed birthing options with me at all as they wanted definitive answers first.
I have a 'last' midwife appointment tomorrow and in light of the situation with anaesthetics I will try and bring up the pool option and hope she sheds some light on it!
Thanks so much for your input again - I had hoped I'd have an answer regarding pain relief before labour was so imminent but no such luck :)! My plan was to see how I could manage without anything (except water if possible) but know that there were options. I suppose planning never generally works out anyway :winkwink: x
Planning may not work out in the end but what it does do is give you the confidence and knowledge to make the decisions in the heat of the moment. Women who don't plan anything and go into their birth saying whatever will be will will most likely just let the doctors and midwives do what they do best which is intervene. But going in with a plan that you don't want this, you want that, and you would prefer to have this or that first is so much more beneficial to both mother and baby. So in other words I'm saying it's ok to plan, and I also don't think it's too late for you to do so. You can do your own research on things and put whatever you want to in your birth plan.
Planning may not work out in the end but what it does do is give you the confidence and knowledge to make the decisions in the heat of the moment. Women who don't plan anything and go into their birth saying whatever will be will will most likely just let the doctors and midwives do what they do best which is intervene. But going in with a plan that you don't want this, you want that, and you would prefer to have this or that first is so much more beneficial to both mother and baby. So in other words I'm saying it's ok to plan, and I also don't think it's too late for you to do so. You can do your own research on things and put whatever you want to in your birth plan.

I definitely agree - I feel able to plan now I've had certain things guaranteed (i.e no epidural it might kill you haha). I think I'll try and put together some sort of basic birth plan tonight and run it through with the midwife tomorrow - I live in fear of being a burden/annoyance to people and don't wanna annoy her by mentioning birthing pools now but I think it may help!
Planning may not work out in the end but what it does do is give you the confidence and knowledge to make the decisions in the heat of the moment. Women who don't plan anything and go into their birth saying whatever will be will will most likely just let the doctors and midwives do what they do best which is intervene. But going in with a plan that you don't want this, you want that, and you would prefer to have this or that first is so much more beneficial to both mother and baby. So in other words I'm saying it's ok to plan, and I also don't think it's too late for you to do so. You can do your own research on things and put whatever you want to in your birth plan.

I definitely agree - I feel able to plan now I've had certain things guaranteed (i.e no epidural it might kill you haha). I think I'll try and put together some sort of basic birth plan tonight and run it through with the midwife tomorrow - I live in fear of being a burden/annoyance to people and don't wanna annoy her by mentioning birthing pools now but I think it may help!

I totally had this issue in the beginning but my midwife helped me realize that she's there for a reason and it's to be as much help as possible to me. Though she doesn't act like it all time. Half the time I think her head is somewhere else but you can't blame her she's busy and she's human. That doesn't make my questions/comments/concerns and less though. You can't analyze what other people are thinking because you simply just do not know. You mention anything you want to mention hun because it's your birth and no one elses.
I totally had this issue in the beginning but my midwife helped me realize that she's there for a reason and it's to be as much help as possible to me. Though she doesn't act like it all time. Half the time I think her head is somewhere else but you can't blame her she's busy and she's human. That doesn't make my questions/comments/concerns and less though. You can't analyze what other people are thinking because you simply just do not know. You mention anything you want to mention hun because it's your birth and no one elses.

Thanks :)
I haven't seen my 'normal' midwife since before Christmas so I'll just bombard her tomorrow and hope she doesn't mind - but then as you say it's her job to mind so it's all good! I'm supposed to ask questions right? Haha
I totally had this issue in the beginning but my midwife helped me realize that she's there for a reason and it's to be as much help as possible to me. Though she doesn't act like it all time. Half the time I think her head is somewhere else but you can't blame her she's busy and she's human. That doesn't make my questions/comments/concerns and less though. You can't analyze what other people are thinking because you simply just do not know. You mention anything you want to mention hun because it's your birth and no one elses.

Thanks :)
I haven't seen my 'normal' midwife since before Christmas so I'll just bombard her tomorrow and hope she doesn't mind - but then as you say it's her job to mind so it's all good! I'm supposed to ask questions right? Haha

hahaha of course!! If you didn't ask questions then they wouldn't feel like their job is needed! I think they'd rather you ask them then google any day.
hahaha of course!! If you didn't ask questions then they wouldn't feel like their job is needed! I think they'd rather you ask them then google any day.

True if she remembers me at all she's gonna wonder what's come over me - 20odd weeks of silence and now a barrage of questions haha :)
hahaha of course!! If you didn't ask questions then they wouldn't feel like their job is needed! I think they'd rather you ask them then google any day.

True if she remembers me at all she's gonna wonder what's come over me - 20odd weeks of silence and now a barrage of questions haha :)

If it's been 20 odd weeks of silence she'll be expecting them! hahaha
If it's been 20 odd weeks of silence she'll be expecting them! hahaha

I'm so bad at getting my point across!
I wanted to scream at the doc in the hospital today as he was the fourth senior professional in about twelve weeks to ask me what my allergy meant and why I was there...surely they should know this beforehand! Instead I was just nice and quiet and let him do his thing!
I am quite shocked that it's taken them until now to realise my allergies effect the drugs they can administer! What if I'd gone into labour last week!!
If it's been 20 odd weeks of silence she'll be expecting them! hahaha

I'm so bad at getting my point across!
I wanted to scream at the doc in the hospital today as he was the fourth senior professional in about twelve weeks to ask me what my allergy meant and why I was there...surely they should know this beforehand! Instead I was just nice and quiet and let him do his thing!
I am quite shocked that it's taken them until now to realise my allergies effect the drugs they can administer! What if I'd gone into labour last week!!

wow I hadn't realized that! I think this makes me even more of an advocate for why women should do their own research. I know doctors get mad when you go in with your own opinions but what do they expect from us? They're only human and see so many people on a daily basis. We know our own bodies and what we want. We should be more educated to make our own decisions so we don't rely on them and they make stupid mistakes. :dohh:
Just thinking of another pain relief option...

I have done a Calmbirth course and the whole premise behind that is that if you remain calm and relaxed during labour, you will feel less pain. During labour we release hormones such as oxytocin that provide natural pain relief. However, if we tense up and get stressed and panic our body goes into 'flight or fight' mode and produces adrenaline, which slows labour and stops the release of oxytocin.

So - the idea is to do a lot of calm breathing - in through your nose for four counts, out through your nose for 6 counts, plus relaxation/meditation/visualisation - whatever keeps you feeling calm and relaxed. Slowing your breathing down will naturally relax you...not saying it will mean everything is pain free but it is helpful to work with your body and what it is naturally producing, as opposed to work against it.

I haven't given birth yet but I know that people do swear by this! Other ideas could be using acupressure and aromatherapy...? And definitely ask about the water!

Good luck!

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