Have you tried stopping the Infacol? I know loads of people swear by it and I was told to perservere with it, which I did for weeks and then tried Dentinox but when I stopped giving them to Brady he got so much better. I changed to Dr Browns bottles and stopped giving the Infacol and he's been loads better. He's still a sicky baby, but what I would consider 'normal' sicky, he doesn't throw up after every ounce of milk anymore or continue to be sick up until his next feed.
I am using TT CTN bottle. I changed the teet to size 2. I think this is one of the reasons that caused the vomitting. what about colic, I am afraid if I stp the infacol, he'll suffer again from gases
I really would recommend the Dr Browns bottles, I didn't realise until I got them how crap the TT CTN bottles were for babies that suffered with wind. I used those first too and you can see the air bubbles developing in the milk as soon as they start feeding. This is my experience, but it has soooo been worth the expense of changing bottles as Brady feeds so much happier now.
The size 2 teat probably hasn't caused the vomitting, if he had problems with it he would be coughing and spluttering.
I did move Brady up to the size 2 teat on the Dr Browns at the same age as your LO and this also eliminated a lot of the gassy/sick problems.
To be honest, nothing really works if your baby truly has colic, my brother had it and literally screamed non stop for 2 weeks straight, there are things that quietened him for a little bit, but believe me, Infacol was not one of them.
Brady doesn't need Infacol now he's on the different bottles, and I prefer it this way, I dont like giving him things like that as it's got E numbers in it, I know they say that they dont digest it as it just works in the tummy but I really cant see how this is true, they must absorb some of it.