Hello everyone
So I'm ttc no2, ds is 22 months and still b/f and co sleeping at night.
I have had SUPER positive opk and peak on clearblue advanced for 2.5 days now and last night i had the most excruciating ovulation cramps I've ever had in my life. I am sure they were o pains as I do get them every month, but this time 100× stronger. This was late yesterday evening around 9/10pm lasting a couple of hours but no temp spike to my surprise!
Anyone shed any light here? Tia x
So I'm ttc no2, ds is 22 months and still b/f and co sleeping at night.
I have had SUPER positive opk and peak on clearblue advanced for 2.5 days now and last night i had the most excruciating ovulation cramps I've ever had in my life. I am sure they were o pains as I do get them every month, but this time 100× stronger. This was late yesterday evening around 9/10pm lasting a couple of hours but no temp spike to my surprise!
Anyone shed any light here? Tia x