A few times a day LO gets very fussy at the breast and I can't figure out why! We have been EBF since he was born (4 weeks ago). I have tried switching breasts when he gets fussy (thinking maybe let down is too fast or slow depending on the side??) and rubbing his belly (maybe its gas? - he has had gas problems but would it be gas DURING feeding??) and burping him and nothing really works. He acts like he is still desperately hungry rooting around and everything while he's crying (even if he's eaten plenty off of one side already). I'm so confused and tempted to contact a lactation consultant but didnt know if they could help or not. Maybe he does this because he's tired?? He usually tires himself out after this happens and then falls asleep. He doesn't do this every time he feeds, maybe 2-3 times a day? Any advice welcome!!!