Hi! My husband have been TTC for 5 years, with several early losses and chemical pregnancies during that time. Recently, had off and on spotting for 3 days around the time AF was due. Had two negatives on the Walmart .88 cent pregnancy tests, then a faint BFP on one the next day. Then 2 dark, very pink, positives on FRER's the day after, then 3 faint positives on FRER's the day after that. Then had a faint pos on a dollar tree test and then two negatives. Blood test came back negative. Doctor said it was probably another chemical pregnancy and I didn't get to do the blood test soon enough to pick up on the HCG. I got my blood results this past Thursday and its now Saturday, but had the two negative dollar tree tests on Wednesday. This isn't my first chemical pregnancy, but I still haven't started bleeding and its been days. I don't know what to do or think. I had some spotting the day of the blood test, it was red, not pink, but still not not enough to even get on a pad (sorry if TMI). No bleeding since then, but I've had back pain and cramping on and off since that bit of bleeding. If it had worked out, I'd have been 5 weeks and 4 days pregnant today. Never gone this long without bleeding after finding out the pregnancy wasn't viable. Has anyone had this issue? With just a tiny bit of spotting for one day after a chemical pregnancy?