Hi all!! I'm new to baby and bump and also new to taking OPKs. This is my first cycle after having a miscarriage in early May. AF visited me on June 6th so my hubby and I decided we wanted to start trying again right away. I started taking the OPKs on CD12. I'm attaching a picture because I'm not sure if I experienced a surge or not. The picture is tests from CD12-CD16. I had textbook cycles before my miscarriage; 30 day long cycles, and getting a high temp on CD 17 every month. After my miscarriage I'm afraid my cycle is a little messed up. I took those OPKs at the same time every night and I'm not sure if I had a surge or not. I'm charting as well and I haven't had a definitive temp spike and I'm on CD 21. I can't figure out if maybe I ovulated already or of I'm going to ovulate late if at all. I haven't included pics of CD 17-20 OPKs because they were all very faint positives and as I understand that's considered negative. They're also lightening up more and more each day. Any help would be appreciated. I'm going to try to attach both my chart and pic of OPKs. I'm new to this so hopefully I do it right.