I've had a few

With dd we only had a fisher price. The high chair was fine, but we moved and it badly scratched up our wood floors. If you have wood floors and want a rolling high chair, you really need to be careful. It was a total pain to clean. the fabric could be thrown into the wash (but who wants to do that every night!) and there were so many nooks and crannies it was impossible to get the food out....especially since she eats almond butter like every day. However, the tray size was nice. It did start to crack and break when she was over 2.
So we got rid of it and I really debated over the boon flair, or peg perego siesta. I wanted something that rolled and easy to clean. I wanted it for dd1 who still wanted to use a high chair and does art projects etc in it, and we also had another on the way. DD was almost 3 when dd2 was born. I decided on the boon, even though the tray was small, because it was SO easy to clean and I loved the pedestal. No arms to clean and it took up less space. I was so sick of scrubbing off almond butter. However it was a total piece of junk and a waste of money. It came with a broken brake (I had read that in the reviews but figured it wouldn't happen to me. It did and was a total pain to fix it...not an easy fix at all!) THe tray is ridiculously small. I had to buy new bowls and plates. It would be fine for a baby, but not a toddler with sometimes a plate, bowl and sippy. You were lucky if you could get a small plate and sippy. The tray is very low, so dd spilled her stuff trying to get it to her mouth. Again, fine for a baby, but not a toddler. The screws kept coming out and it became unsafe for my toddler (who sat in it like once a day becuase she was mostly in a booster at the table) Junk!! We kept it in case we needed two on an occasion, but I ended up buying the peg perego siesta and love it. Easy to clean, normal size tray. I didn't think I would use the recline, but I use it with dd2 every lunch and dinner. DD1 uses it for breakfast while I get ready, and for painting. Wheels don't scratch, but front wheels are not swivel. That is the only downside. But I can live with that. The material wipes clean. THe models now you can unlock to move them - before you had to press a button and people complained so they changed it. If you need one for a wood floor, I totally recommend the siesta!
I also have the ikea one outside. It's nice because it's plastic and comes apart easily. I use my high chair a lot so the ikea one isn't ideal for me as it doesn't seem as comfortable and doesn't roll, but if you only use it for short times it may be fine. The nice thing is it is only $20 at ikea!! Much more expensive on amazon. Very easy to travel with too!
For me my favorite would be the peg perego siesta..(i got the mela) Love it!
Stay away from Boon!!!!