Home birth Drug free


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2009
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I woke on Saturday the 20th October at 330 am with week contractions, they were so weak I was able to go back to sleep, I knew though that I was starting early labour... I had my show on Tuesday before and had been loose (number 2s) from Wednesday... So Saturday I went about my day ignoring that I was in labour.. kinda had a feeling would kick off when xfactor was on lol... so the contractions got closer and a little more intense and after seeing a redder blood when I wiped decided to call hosp, as I had planned a home birth and was worried it was too red.

The CMW came out to see me about 830pm, she said I was fully soft but only a finger tip dialated so very early, so just to see how I went and call if the contractions became more regular e.t.c.. so this is when it gets blury..

I kept running up and down the stairs from the bathroom to the lounge, kept needing to go poo! wow, my contractions were on top of each other no gaps! I broke the toliet roll holder during one lol! poor OH didnt know what to do, any how my OH called MW back and asked me how far apart contractions were--I was like errrr its just one big contraction!

MW came back out about 1030pm ish...examined me I was a 4/5cm...then it went fast I continued up and down the stairs, the 2nd midwfie was called...my waters went about midnight on the bathroom floor and then at 0317 after pushing (which strangley I enjoyed) out came Evan in my living room.. I gave birth with no pain relief and stood up when pushing my son out out! Woo hoo Got my home birth.

Now for the mare, after Evan was born, the MW wanted to cut the cord quick to give him oxygen but no sooner had the cord been cut he cried so didnt need it after all. So the other MW offered me the injection to deliver the placenta quicker so since the cord was already cut I thought ok why not then I can enjoy my baby... (probs a mistake) So 1 hour later my placenta still hadnt come out, no amount of tugging, cathertrisation, breastfeeding would work!

Arghhhh off to hospital I went with OH and Evan in the ambulance... pretty pic at 4am with a nursing bra and 2 clamp scissors hanging from my bits!
Once in hosp more docs came and tugged at me.. no joy so off I went to theatre for a spinal legs in stirrups and I reacted bad the anthestic, they had a nightmare getting placenta out, my cervix had closed completly.. then they tore me internally( I only found this out yesterday) I had a bleed, I know they had a mare the placenta was fragmented they had to do the awfull full arm in me and massgae on top.. OMG! I just kept talking saying wow I feel so skiny lol ( I felt like I was guna fade away) So eventully they were done, bleeding stopped placenta out.

In recovrey with my baby, and I got the shakes major, then I spiked a temp so had IV antbiotics and blood cultures took arghhhhhh no getting home quick...then baby wouldnt feed so spent 2 nights in hosp on drips and being groped by many a helpfull MW trying to syringe colostrum into Evan!

Then I got home and the feeding was a mare, I felt ill! So any how by Monday this week after Evan had lost 11% of Body weight MW said top up with formula, which I did... I am now 100% formula feeding and Evan is doing well. We did have a rocky start with his belly button as it wouldnt heal a Granuloma (I think due to not feeding) so had a few trips to hosp for this!

To finish off, I ended up back in hosp again yesterday as on checking myself I noticed I had a blue hard wire thing hanging out of me WTF! It turns out my notes I have at home are wrong I actually have a 2nd degree tear (my 0peranium is intact) the tear is internal cervix to vagina muscle deep! But no one thought to tell me it happend during the surgery to remove the placenta!

I am not a happy lady, I dont mind that they tore me, but the fact they failed to tell me or update my notes, my CMW has no idea, I am on yet more antbiotics.

But I got my home birth, I delveried my baby boy drug free at home as I had planned, the rest is just a story to laugh and talk about in years to come. All home and healing well now.

I will complain about the lack of communication.

I am already planning the next little one and would have another home birth, but this time I would have a natural 3rd stage and stear clear of any intervention!

I was back in my jeans within a week, and 2 weeks on am back to my pre pregnancy weight, my stomach other than some swelling from the surgery is back to normal!

I was active throughout my pregnancy, kept spinning, running e.t.c...
Contractions were awfull, pushing was enjoyable.

Trust your instincts, go with it dont fight it your body will do the rest.
Glad you got your home birth! I always think that delivering standing up is so noble... like a queen! Congratulations!
Glad you got your home birth! Sorry about the drama after though :(
Congratulations, shame about the 3rd stage, always next time x

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