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Home Birth Question..


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2014
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Hello. To all the people with multiple kids that have had a successful home birth... What do you do with your other kids? Do you let them be present, how did it go?
my mum babysat my son, she took him away mid afternoon and then the baby was born late afternoon - just a couple hours later. i couldnt relax with him there because he needed distracting/playing with and i needed to focus.

the only way i would let them stay is if it is bedtime and they are asleep. i might still be worried they would wake up and then my husband would have to leave me to attend to them.

plus, what if you need emergency hospital transfer? your husband would have to stay with the kids until a babysitter arrives rather than going with you.

im going to arrange a baby sitter again next time.
I planned to leave dd upstairs asleep. But when actually in labour, after bedtime, I asked my mum to pick her up as I felt uncomfortable and constantly worrying she was going to wake up and scream and my partner would have to sit up with her instead of with me. Once she was gone I was far more relaxed x
My eldest son was at home when his younger brother was born. I had my mum at the birth to help if needed but he was happy just doing his own thing. He didn't really bother me at all and wasn't overly interested in the birth part. He actually went outside to play when his brother was born but I was fine with him being in the room if that is what he wanted.

We prepared him by reading books about it and I showed him a few videos of births (checking them first to make sure they were appropriate!). A great book is Hello Baby by Jenni Overend.

If we have another one I would love for both of my boys to be there to see their new sibling being born.
I think it really depends on the age of your other children.

My son was 4.5 when my DD was born. He happily came in and out of the room when he felt like it, and when he was bored, he went back to his movie. Only DH and I were present, along with the midwife. (DD was born during the day).

I'm due in 5 weeks, and DD is 8 and DS is 13 - they'll be hanging around the house. If I must be transferred, Grandma lives a 30 second walk away so they can go off down there. But otherwise they're keen to stick around. But again, they can come and go as they please (as long as they don't squabble, or try to talk to me!).

I think I would find younger children very distracting at a home birth, if they didn't have someone who was solely dedicated to watching them and removing them from the room if they were starting to bug me. Labour is not a good time for a younger child to ask incessant questions or to decide they really must have mum play Lego with them.

But if your children are a bit older and self-sufficient to a large extent, then they will be fine.
I am about to find out! :/ My LOs will be at home when this baby arrives as we have no one to take them overnight. I think it will be ok. I have a doula booked (yay!) and MIL is visiting for a few days from tomorrow, so we have a little bit of support. I will come back and update you though :)
Not actually had my HB yet but hopefully will in the next few days. Im really undecided on this, im just going to see how i feel at the time, im lucky that my parents live on the same street as me so if i need my dad (mum is my BP) to pick him up and take him their he will. I would love for him to be the reality is he is being VERY annoying at the minute :haha: and i think it would possibly be pretty off putting to me im just going to see how it plays out x
I was wondering about this. I have two toddlers. My first was there when our second was born. I really wanted that experience again. Plus I dont really know anyone in the area as Ill be moving there at 36 weeks!! So I guess they are staying home with us! They can be a handful though so I do see OH spending lots of time with them.
My labour didn't pick up til after my eldest was in bed asleep. My baby was born in the night and we left him sleeping. :D
I went into labour at night, so my so was asleep. My mum was my birthing partner and my sister came round just incase my son woke up. For me I didn't want him to see me giving birth, but I know quite afew women who have had their other children present during the birth and it's been amazing
If I have more I would be glad if my children were present but the are old enough that I would let them choose. :)
My oldest was only 15 months old when his brother was born and he was present the whole time and he did great!! He even clapped when brother came out! I had this guilt about having another baby so soon and how it would effect him but seeing how curious and excited he was was great. Thats why I want the experience again but its a little different now since both of them are toddlers and lot more active! Some people think its odd to have them there or that they are boys, which I think is stupid. They arent 12 year old boys they are 1 and 2! I didnt even have my first memory till I was 3. The odds they remember seeing my vagina in that state is pretty slim :haha: I of course wont force them if they want to go play in another room or sleep or watch a movie or something. I just hope they arent trying to go swimming in the pool while Im laboring :haha:

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