Home birth- where do I start?


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2010
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I'd been debating home birth and now really want one!

I havnt seen midwife yet as iv just moved house and my doctors won't let me stay at that surgery (I'm just out the area) so that means I'm not gona be with the midwife the hospital had put me with! So I'm goin to a new docs 2mro to find a midwife

But what do I say to midwife? Can she make me change my mind?

And what criteria is there? I'd like a water birth maybe and would like the labour to happen in my living room! But what happens, does it need to be a certain size room or anything?

Iv read all kinds but its not going in!

Firstly, congratulations on your pregnancy!

Nobody can make you change your mind about where you want to give birth, it is your body and your choice. With my third baby, I was all set to give birth at the same midwife led unit that I'd had my 2 older children at until it closed when I was 37 weeks pregnant. I was adamant I wasn't going to the main maternity unit so at my next mw appointment I told her I was now having a home birth. She did her best to try and convince me to "have a look around the maternity unit to see what I thought" but I stood my ground and told her in no uncertain terms that there was no need as I was having a homebirth no matter what. She also told me there may not be anyone available to come to me when I went into labour, so i told her I'd either do it on my own then, or ring an ambulance. She soon gave up after that lol. And I did get 2 midwives come out to me as soon as I rang them, and I had an amazing labour and delivery in my living room (you can read my DD2's birth story if you click on my link after my sig).

All they ask that you have for a homebirth are working hot and cold water, electricity and heating. And that your house is basically clean and habitable. If you want a water birth you need to consider whether your joists are strong enough to hold a pool full of water, usually downstairs are but upstairs sometimes not. Likewise you obviously need enough room to fit a pool in, and to move around it, but a room doesn't have to be huge to do that.

Go with your instincts and stick to what you want, not what others think is right. Education is everything, learn as much as you can about your rights, what you want and things to help you give birth calmly and naturally (natal hypnotherapy is a godsend, I can't recommend it highly enough. I used it along with aromatherapy during my pregnancy, labour and delivery and it is what enabled me to have a calm, serene, peaceful, amazing and completely empowering natural, unassisted [in so far as the midwives only observed, they didn't do or say anything to me, I did it all myself] labour and delivery at home).

Good luck and if you need more info, please ask.

Thank u so much! I'm gona read your story now!

I think I'd be ok then! At my booking appt I was told I was prime candidate for home birth as my first 2 labours were less than 2 hours with gas n air n basically no assistance from midwife (although was induced with ds so on drip and monitored) I hated that so just wanted it more like my first where I could just deal with the pain myself and get on with it!

Fingers crossed the midwife I see will be as encouraging!
Wow u have cemented it thats the kind of birth I want! I wasn't too sure about the water birth so I'm still debating that!

Definitely gona look into the aromatherapy and natal hypnobirthing! Sounds amazing!!! x
O:):)Wow, how lovely that I have inspired you to definitely want a homebirth! That's fantastic, good for you! :flower:

I hope you get a supportive midwife and have supportive people around you too. I didn't have people around supporting me, everyone thought I was mad to want a homebirth, thought I got comments a lot like "it sounds nice, but I wouldn't dare myself, you know, in case something went wrong." :growlmad:

I too was induced and on a drip with my DS and only had gas and air. With DD1 I went into labour naturally and had a bit of gas and air; she was a water birth but I wasn't in there long enough for it to take effect. I did want a waterbirth with DD2 but couldn't justify the cost of a pool so late on in my pregnancy. Although I *really* wanted to be in water throughout my pregnancy, I don't feel I missed out having the birth I did, as it was so amazing. I would have 100 more babies, just to go through the birth again :happydance:

Natal hypnotherapy (which I did) and Hypnobirthing are slightly different in the process. I had the cds for the Natal Hypno, I didn't go to any classes or anything and it worked wonders. I started the cds from around 20 weeks I think, and I inhaled lavender oil on a hankerchief every time I listened to the cd. If you have any questions about the hypnotherapy just ask :)

Wow u sound like me! Iv only got oh supporting me with the home birth upto now it that's all I need he would be my only birth partner anyway!

I'm exactly the same I loved my labours even tho ds one was intense and full on I still loved it I kinda like the pain it brings haha we must be mad!

Yeah il definitely look into the natal one it sounds like it would be good for me! I'm not one to fuss about the pain in labour n I wouldn't wana be loud incase I disturbed the neighbours hahaha!
I'm excited to discuss with midwife now!
I wanted a waterborth with my ds1 but he came to early for a water birth but I was just wondering weather like the midwives supply pools for your labour because we get a home kit just incase but if this one comes as soon as my last I still want a home water birth as he was a healthy huge 7.1 for 4 weeks early they was trying to slow my contractions till 37 weeks but already being in labour with my son for 5 days everyone was getting tired just wish that if this one was gonna be as long that I can be in a comfortable environment xx

Some areas can provide birth pools, and since having my dd2 I've found out that my area can help with finding one cheaply or can lend them out. Unfortunately it wasn't available when I had my youngest. It really depends on each local authority but it's definitely worth asking your midwife.

I want to have this baby at home after an amazing waterbirth experience at a midwife led birthing centre the first time. Unfortunately we have moved to another county and the midwife led unit is too far away for us to consider this time so will stay at home.

The waterbirth was amazing!! They call it natures epidural for a reason. lol. I had a 3hr 31 minute labour with no midwife intervention and it was great. I hope this baby is as cooperative!

I hope you all get the labours you want and healthy happy little ones. xx
Well I had my 16 week appointment with midwife and although she was optimistic with the idea she said she doesn't think I will be allowed as I have 2 risk factors.

Iv been induced twice for high bp and the 2nd time I also had a haemorrhage which she thinks will put consultant off.

She said I will have to see consultant at 20 weeks and if they say its ok iv got to get written authority to do it!

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